Clowns for Jesus

You have to dress in weird clothes and put on scary makeup to learn body language and how you’re perceived by others? I mean, the kids ran away because you look like nothing familiar on earth to them, you are smiling manically, and no speaking. Seems simple enough. (not giving you a hard time, just sayin’).

I don’t like clowns-there is no appeal there for me.

SageRat–I think I was thinking of the whole actors buried in unconsecrated ground stuff. Thanks!

Can’t convert – Clowns Will Eat Me.

Bah. They got it easy. As a Jewish clown, I have to circumcise a balloon Abraham!

Actually, yes. Until I stepped way outside the normal range of activity/clothing/looks it was easy to write stuff off as kids being shy. If you want them to interact with you as a clown, you have to figure out WHY they are shy. If I can overcome that, in clown makeup, then I can overcome it without clown makeup.

Once you stop pursuing them, bring your self down to their level and wait patiently, most of the kids stop being afraid. We found that sitting or kneeling on the ground, so you are at kid-eye level was a huge first step. We would start some kind of game or play among ourselves. No in-your-face behavior. The kids would hang back, kind of eyeing us for a bit, and then one of them would come and examine the balloons/flowers/whatever. Pretty soon, we had a game of balloon volleyball. (Which is darn hard to play when you are on your knees.)

What did I learn that I still use? Make yourself an equal. Don’t be in-your-face aggressive. Be open and welcoming, but let them make the move to join you.

At. Work.

Must. Not. Laugh. Maniacally.

the bit that really disturbs me is :

I don’t know why, but in my mind I equate them with madrassahs and Jesus Camp.

OMFG. I looked at their schedule and contact info. . .they’re in my area!!!