clueless visitors to Lascaux cave replica


There are some folks that are losing the human race.

An acquaintance of mine worked (under-the-table) in a genuine castle in Europe (for the life of me I can’t remember where! This is someone who travelled through central Europe and the UK). The fortress was up on the hill while the sprawling town was in the valley below. Pretty typical urban planning of the era, really.

A disgruntled tourist once trudged in, indignantly complaining “Why did they build the castle so far away from the shopping malls? That wasn’t well thought out at all!

I’ve also seen American tourists defacing the prehistoric walls of Anasazi Native American ruins. Some German tourists at the site were mortified and I overheard one saying “it’s like they are desecrating a grave!” Apparently, the adults who were carving their names (until a ranger flipped out on them) thought it was a construction à la Disneyland. They couldn’t understand the big deal since it was all clay and stone that could be rebuilt so easily.

Tourists can be very weird.

Isn’t that the one that says “an animal evolving will continue to evolve…”? :wink: (In this case, apparently not! :smiley: )

And why on earth did they paint those beasties underground?
If they had any sense, those cavemen would have hung their pics in an art gallery like a normal homonid

From Not the Bible:

Here’s another site for Not the Bible.

I was in Lascaux II a few years ago, and this American lady asked the French guide: “Do you feel that the depictions of ritual indicate any ontological symbolism that might suggest the presence of what one might even consider to be a Jungian collective unconscious, or is the dynamic indicated here merely representational of a contemporaneous cultural hegemony?” To which he replied “Hunh?”

That theory of Newton’s is re-explained as: “The fruit doesn’t fall far from the tree.”