CNN Reporter: "I don't know what part of Neverland Senator McCain is talking about.."

God, I love it: a total smackdown of the Doubletalk Express himself, St. John McCain!

Maybe somewhere, deep in McCain’s colon, is a tiny scale model of a peaceful street in Baghdad, and he can see it perfectly when he sticks his head far enough up his ass.

That’s my theory, and I’m sticking with it.

I’m torn between two responses, really.

  1. Thank God we won. Time to bring the troops home.

  2. I’m sure McCain would be happy to demonstrate for us by taking a half hour walk through a randomly determined part of Baghdad. I can’t wait to see the video.

Pick whichever one you find most entertaining.


You have got to give props to someof those CNN guys, especially Wolf. I’ve heard him skewer people. He plays them a quote of theirs, they try to obfuscate or say they didn’t say something, and then he has them watch themselves saying the very thing they just denied saying. I cheer him like I would a sports star if I cared about sports.

Let me get this straight. McCain was saying that Wolf Blitzer had a three-month-outdated perception of the situation in Iraq because “some of the media” was keeping the current information away? From Wolf Blitzer?

Things that make you go hmmmmmm.

Any of us been there?

No? Me neither. But I know someone who was. He tells me it is both much better and much worse, depending where you are at any given time, than we hear on the fucking TV.

Let’s all shut the fuck up.

Let’s not and say we did.

Michael Ware nas been there for a long time. John McCain has been there a few times protected by a huge force of the miltary whose jobs and future depend on not criticizing the U.S. policy (see the U.S. Attorney scandal for reasons why). Do you really believe a U.S. Congressman running for President as a Republican living safely in the U.S. over a reporter (not an American) living in Bagdhad?

Your average American soldier in Iraq knows as much about what is going on there as an average desk jockey did about the fate of Enron.

What the hell? Talk about an aberration. This isn’t the CNN I know.

And I should believe an exceedingly vague statement by someone supposedly known by a stranger on the Internet ?


I just caught the segment on CNN. Michael Ware sounds extremely credible. He is living outside the Green Zone. I’m inclined to believe Mr. Ware and am guessing that McCain is losing it. I used to respect the guy.

Bolding mine.

Are you saying the situation is better or worse?

Does McCain makes this stuff up as he goes? Depending on the particular constituency he is trying to woo that day? Talk about a feather in the wind…

Well, at least everything is peaceful in Northern Iraq. All the trouble is in Baghdad, and Anbar.

As I accidentally posted in a CS thread, perhaps the senator from Arizona was thinking of Bagdad, Arizona?

I suppose your post is your cite, Gatopescado, because we have absolutely no reason to believe a goddamned thing you say.

Maybe they’ve finally realized how totally out of it they’ll look if they keep trying to be Fox News Jr.

You mean politicians do that? :eek:

McCain should have stuck with his old made up stuff. At least then he was the darling step-child of the left. Now he’s got nobody.

I don’t see much of Michael Ware but in Iraq he has always seemd very on top of his brief; nuanced and accurate.

Not too many of his kind around.

Fwiw, I’ve seen some good quality material of his on youtube.

This is part of the reason I won’t vote for Republicans. Not the whole reason, not even a major reason, but it’s the icing on the cake:

Hey, I know so-and-so, and he told me such-and-such, and you don’t know what you’re talking about! And… and… and he scored four touchdowns in a single game! He knows what he’s talking about! So shut the fuck up you liberal-commie-pinko-fag!

Please. Grow the fuck up.

I say we invade Neverland.