Coca-Cola -- Preventing justice at any cost.

First I highly recomend that you all read this article. It’s very long, but worth reading. It details the story of Bob Kolody who has been fighting a $4 billion legal battle with the Coca-Cola corporation for the past 12 years.

It tells the story of coruption within the Coca-Cola corporation as they have commited crimes against thier canners and Bob Kolody as well as felonies against the 7[sup]th[/sup] district court, and the Copyright Office. In addition they have perjured themselves in the same court and lied to the Securities and Exchange Commission, as well as Coke shareholders by not willfully admiting to their (at the time) impending legal battle.

I’m sure none of you have ever heard this story before. It’s never been covered by a single major news orginazation anywhere the U.S. The Coca-cola Corporation has suppressed this story to the point of it not existing. But I believe that this story should be told.

Judge Blanche M. Manning’s webpage can be viewed here.

Actually I have heard this story before and its pretty old. linked to it once and so have a few other websites.

It sounds pretty average to me. Certainly any huge corporation is going to commit felonys and screw people. Huge corporations supressing the story is pretty normal too.

Wow, that’s kinda caustic, imho, Sterra. I pity this guy, after all his work is being stolen from him and his Constitutional Rights are being violated.

bump, bump, bump

This is plain silly. Let me give a synopsis for those who don’t want to read this mess:

  • Some guy draws a picture of a Coca-Cola bottle. He has no connection to the Coca-Cola company; he’s just some guy who drew a picture of a bottle.
  • Coca-Cola’s copyright on the bottle expires, and they don’t refile in time.
  • The guy claims he owns the image
  • He sues Coke for 4 Billion dollars.

Heh Heh… Right. I hope Coke screws him in sideways.

Incidentally, I’m guessing that Coca-Cola is not willing to prevent justice at any cost. For example, they wouldn’t spend $5 billion to do it.

Well! Bill H. just made up MY mind. Forget reading it. I agree with waterj2.

Err…let me see…coke owns copyright to wavy can, guy draws picture of wavy can, coke goofs and lets the copyright expire, coke then renews the copyright and laughs at him when he says he owns it because he drew aforementioned wavy can, and now his constitutional rights are being violated? You have a constitutional right to what? Draw cans?

Maybe I’ll come comment when the headache clears up, having just spent at least two hours reading the entire thing. For now, I’ll just say that I didn’t learn this much about law in my law class. Boggling.