obligatory column link…
Once again, the arrogance of scientists play out in their ignoring of evidence that could revolutionize their discipline. In this case, it seems they haven’t found any ways to really refute the evidence, and in fact, have found more evidence supporting the hypothesis. Yet other scientists seems to dismiss even the possibility. I’d think scientists would be the first to acknowledge that they don’t know everything in their respective fields, and that new evidence should be objectively examined and theories revised - even if they contradict long-help beliefs. But this is not usually the case. Most truly revolutionary changes to scientific fields are met with widespread obstruction - even today. We laugh at the “scientists” of the past, who still held to the “flat-earth” theory after Columbus for example… but then we also defend current scientists who seemingly hold today’s scientific theories just as infallible.
This brings up a big peeve of mine… if science can’t explain the exact mechanism of something, then it doesn’t exist. How arrogant! Another case of “we know everything”, even when we really acknowledge that we don’t. Until we have an actual unified theory that fully explains how everything works on every level, we can’t make sure pronouncements. If someone dropped off an iPod in Edisons lab, he should have stated that it cannot and does not work, because Science cannot explain it. The same basic principle hold true for almost all of the energy-based, alternative healing modalities: Acupuncture, Homeopathy, Reiki, even Magnet therapy and the like. There is clearly some energetic-level to our bodies that Western science just doesn’t understand yet, but won’t admit to. Shit, Cecil even admits that Magnet therapy does have scientifically verifiable and valid effects here, but again states “The real problem with magnetic therapy …is that no one’s proposed a plausible physiological explanation for how magnetism does its stuff on the body’s cells”. So? Why does that really matter?? Can’t we just say that it works, but we don’t understand the how or why? Why is that so difficult to accept? Are we really withholding research into this area because we don’t understand the mechanism? Doesn’t that seem kinda stupid? There could be a substance that some traditional culture has been using for 1000’s of years to ward off a particular disease or condition, with tons of anecdotal evidence of its efficacy - yet the substance doesn’t “scientifically work” until we isolate the actual chemical mechanism - then Science has made a “discovery”. :smack:
This article attempts to explain some of the resistance by scientists. I can understand people actually in the fields have some stake in keeping things at the status quo, but I’d hope people at the Dope wouldn’t fall into the same trap. Unfortunately, most people just stick to the official “line” and call you a wacko.