Coffee connoisseur

A macchiato is espresso added to steamed milk.

A latte is steamed milk added to espresso.

Is there really an appreciable difference in the end result?

A macchiato has a lot less milk, just a dab. A latte is much milkier.

Have you ever ordered these drinks? They’re very different.

I’ve gotten a caramel macchiato and a caramel latte and they tasted pretty much the same to me. But, then again, I don’t have a “golden tongue”.

Starbucks’ version of a macchiato bears no resemblance to an actual macchiato. Starbucks took a name they thought sounded Italian and applied it to what’s essentially a milkshake.

A macchiato is a shot of espresso with a little dollop of foam on top.

If you’re ordering caramel macchiatos at a place like Starbucks, you’re getting something very different than what is originally meant by the term.

Espresso macchiato — an espresso “marked” with a tiny bit of steamed milk

Latte macchiato — a small cup of steamed milk “marked” by a little espresso

Cappuccino — 1/3 espresso, 1/3 steamed milk, 1/3 foam

Caffè latte — 1/6 espresso, 2/3 warm milk, 1/6 foam

A latte will often be twice as large as a cappuccino, and all the difference in size is due to more milk.

Caffè Americano — espresso diluted with hot water

Ohhhh, you mean STARBUCKS. Carry on.

Ah ha! That explains it.

Not much of a coffee connoisseur here. Never drank coffee until recently and many would only loosely refer to what I drink (those lattes) as “coffee”.

The word macchiato is shorthand for caffè macchiato, which means “spotted coffee.” When the Italians say caffè without any other qualifiers it almost always means espresso, so think of a macchiato as an espresso with a spot of milk (foam).

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