Colbert slams Laura Ingraham tonight

If it is like most right-wing oriented books there are large warehouses full that have been bought by political gorups and rich doners for the purpose of driving the sales numbers up.

And, according to Louis Gates, is the whitest man in America.

In fairness he said that before their ribs and ripple summit.

Aside: I’m a lifelong southerner and I’m very familiar with the “fried chicken/watermelon/ribs” cliche as a racial stereotype, but what I always found funny and fascinating is that the jokes were often made by white people who LOVE all of those things. I sure as hell do- had ribs for dinner last night and can eat my substantial weight in fried chicken, watermelon, grits, cornbread, black eyed peas, fried pork chops, and other supposedly ‘black’ delicacies.

In fact of the foods mentioned in the most (deliberately) offensive song (lyrics) from the musical HAIR-

I’ve tried them all and don’t know any that I associate with blacks more than whites. (I tried chitlins accidentally not knowing what was being served- I have to say that fried they aren’t that bad, but I hope never to try the boiled; I can’t stand collard greens but they’re a staple of the rural diet and you see them served even in upscale restaurants- I have a friend who makes a collard pâté that’s the only way I ever found them worth eating.)

I can only assume these jokes started in the north where southern food became associated with blacks. The funny part is that southerners themselves started using the same jokes with no sense of irony.

So you’re saying he caught some of the Black from Gates?

I would not call callousness itself evil, though it can lead to evil.

Holy crap. I mean…just holy crap. :eek:
That would have been thrown out of my high school paper for just general stupidity.

who doesn’t like bbq?


You can do veggie bbq. It’s good.

Also, the title of this thread is misleading…


Grilled vegetables are indeed good. They are not, however, barbecue. :slight_smile:

I’ve read through excerpts on online reviews and booksellers and have yet to find anything that’s remotely funny. It’s not because I think Obama and Co. walk on water (I don’t- I’ve been very frustrated with many of their actions) or because I’m a lot closer to Obamaphile than I am to Dittohead (which I’ll admit I am)- they’re just not funny. I’ve literally read much funnier parody stuff from high schoolers.

The posts above about PACs buying large blocks of book is the only reason I can think of this reaching the bestseller lists. It’s similar to some of the Fundamentalist produced movies like Omega Code and its sequel which became ‘successes’ at the box office because church groups were buying out theaters (and then most of the seats were empty during the showing) which resulted in a big opening. (Kirk Cameron’s Fireproof was a bonafide hit, but the church buyouts added to its big opening.)

Chris Rock on the ribs stereotype.

FYI about Laura. During the Anita Hill fiasco David Brock who was then a darling of the right claims he took Laura at her request to a gay bar where she ended up on all fours crawling around on the floor drunk.

I had the same reaction. Gah, Ingram. Changed the channel and walked away, but then thought, “Wait, it’s Colbert. This could actually be good.”

Soooooooooooo glad I flipped back. Holy cow, did he just call her on her hackneyed racial stereotypes to her face???

It pains me to admit that I didn’t know that. I saw his picture on the front of the alumni magazine and never read the article. :smack:

So did you ever run into his character at Dartmouth?

It was alsoin the Ashton Kutcher/Bernie Mac movie* Guess Who*.

Exactly what did happen - he made a fool of himself and she sat there laughing at him.