Cold Pizza - a gender thing?

I used to like cold pizza, but it seems to have worn off. Now I want pizza, though. Only the word is starting to look meaningless, like words do when you see them too much…

What about KFC the next day(the chicken, only, of course)?

What an excellent idea!

I’m a male and I hate cold pizza. I also hate reheated pizza. Pizza is only good fresh from the oven.

Have we definitively established the bogusness of this yet?

Cold pizza is better than no pizza, but I’d much rather reheat it than eat it cold. (male)

Female with serious tomboy tendencies. I don’t like cold pizza. Reheated is fine, though.

Warm coke? No! Cold pizza and warm beer is the breakfast of champions!

For the unwashed, this means pizza left in the box on the counter overnight, along with half a beer that sat open all night.

Male here; I like my leftover pizza reheated; my brother likes it cold.

Mmmm, cold chicken. That I like.

Actually, as I recall men do on average like meat more than women, and women like sweets on average more than men. That’s a statistical thing though, of course; men eat chocolate and women eat steaks, they just don’t do so as often as the other gender.

FWIW, I hate cold pizza as much as I love hot pizza. I can’t understand how people eat it cold. Also, it never tastes as good after being reheated.

MIS!, female

Huh. This whole time, I’ve thought you were a guy, MIS!

In order of pizza preference:

1: Hot, freshly cooked.
2: Reheated in conventional oven.
3: Straight from refrigerator.
4: Room temperature.
5,000,000,000: Reheated in microwave.

Oh man, cold pizza…LOVE IT.

Pizza should be straight-from-the-oven hot or properly cold. No middle ground, thank you. Really good Italian restaurant pizza can get away with being lukewarm, but that’s it.

I’m a guy, and I like cold pizza, although it depends on what kind of pizza it is. Your typical Pizza Hut pan pizza is terrible cold (and isn’t much better hot) but a good thin-crust pizza is really good cold.

** double post **

It’s a texture thing - cold pizza is just unpleasant. (Actually, that’s true of many foods that were originally served hot).

Reheated pizza is fine.

Female. I like pizza freshly hot, reheated, cold, and room temperature. While cold is my least favorite of the possible choices, it’s still pretty good.


I like certain pizza cold, but some (especially anything with shrimp) needs to be reheated to be good.


Cold pizza is disgusting.

(I won’t eat cold sandwiches either.)

I agree that it depends on the pizza. Neapolitan pizza is great hot, but terrible cold, room temperature, or even more than after about 10 or 15 minutes of being served. Other types of pizza, like a Chicago-style thin crust are equally good hot or cold (my preference being hot, but leftover Chicago thin is great in the morning, too.) Pizza Hut is barely edible warm, but completely awful cold.

I’m not a big fried chicken fan.