Cold Pizza - a gender thing?

I’m very particular about my living room drapes, have really nice nails, and love cold pizza. And I’m female.

I think liking cold pizza is about liking cold pizza or not, it doesn’t relate to home decor or manicures.

My son is a guy’s guy, and loathes cold pizza.

I’m also a guy’s guy, and love it cold.

I’m a woman and I actually prefer cold pizza. Oh, sure, I’ll eat it hot, but I enjoy it more for breakfast. Seems to me the flavors blend a bit more the longer it sits, and the toppings don’t slide off.

Never heard of it being a gender specific issue.

I think the guy thing is that women will usually put in it the fridge, whereas many guys will forget it on the counter, and eat it the next morning anyway.

Fridge? Too much work. Leave the pizza where it is, then eat it in the morning. The only bad part is once I did this, and ants ate my pizza. :frowning: My original thought was to brush the ants off and enjoy, but that was too gross even for me.

As if gender has anything to do with preferring any type of food! :rolleyes:

Now here’s a tip I pass on freely to ye cold pizza lovers … who also eat salad. Cut up cold leftover pizza into crouton-like cubes. Cheese, pepperoni or another one topping pizza such as mushroom works well. I generally use kitchen shears to do the cutting.

It makes a great addition to a Big Salad!

By cold, do you mean refrigerated, or no longer hot? I’m not a big fan of cold pizza, but if it’s left in the microwave or oven over night, it’s just as tasty as the night before.

I tend to prefer most of my foods within ten degrees of room temperature, though.

I’m a guy, and I don’t like cold pizza. I’ll microwave it the next day.

If there’s any gender connection, i think it’s just due to the stereotype that bachelors, especially college boys, don’t have a choice but to eat cold pizza for breakfast – there’s nothing else in their fridge but chopsticks and ketchup packets. Or that women only eat pizza when they’re drunk or high and regret it so much the next morning they wouldn’t think of consuming more. As someone who loves leftovers for breakfast and knows plenty of gourmand guys, I say bully to both.

I’m a girl and I love cold pizza. My opinion is that pizza is best when it’s fresh and hot, but when it’s left over and cold, leave it that way. Heating it up is like toasting moldy bread. It’s still moldy. Just eat cold pizza and own it!

Warm Coke to wash it down?
In a pinch, will cold spaghetti do?

CMC fnord!

I buy pizza and put in in the refrigerator before eating it.

I am a guy and do not like cold pizza. If bringing leftover pizza in to work for lunch I will bring along some paper plates so I can pop it in the microwave. My wife has no qualms about eating pizza cold though.

Yep, Christine Lavin nailed it.

Male, cannot stomach cold pizza. I like my pizza to stop just short of burning my mouth. I don’t even really care for “warm” pizza.

I like cold pizza and I’m a woman , and the SO, who is a man, can’t stand the stuff and looks at me askance when I eat it.

I love pizza leftovers, cold or hot or even just somewhat warmed up, and will happily eat it while standing up at the kitchen sink.

Female, BTW.

One of my tests when trying out a new pizza place is how well their pizzas do the next day. I think pizza is equally good hot or cold but some types hold up better to the fridge (large floppy slices don’t seem to work as well). Unless their pizza doesn’t deteriorate once it’s cooled they are crossed off my list.

Male, 26

In general I don’t like breakfast and I mainly eat my dinner leftovers cold then next morning.

I don’t understand that. I’m so busy trying to make sure I don’t get blisters in situations like that that I don’t even taste the pizza.

I don’t even microwave frozen pizza.