I get cold sores a lot and I’ve got a rather fine specimen growing on me right now. I’ve always kind of just put up with the things my whole life, but lately I’ve gotten to thinking that these little buggers can be dangerous and it’s creeping me out a bit.
Some questions come to mind.
First, just how contagious are these bastards? I of course avoid kissing while I have them, but how great is the risk of transmission? Should I avoid touching other people all together when I have a flare up? I’ve heard they can be transmitted to the genitals. Is this the same as Herpes Simplex II? Should I get a new towel after every shower? I guess I should wash my hands before every trip to the potty. Should I avoid touching my baby? I’ve heard Herpes is a leading cause of blindness. How likely is the virus to be spread to the eyes?