College Dopers: Post here when you're done.

My last final exam was today. Now I have a paper to complete and turn in sometime between now and May 10th, and I’ll be done. I get my JD on the 11th, take the bar exam in July, and then I get to play lawyer.

My last final was April 25th. One year down, three more to go…

[hijack]Going to Nag’s Head, ultrafilter? I know that’s where everyone here at URichmond goes, but I don’t know if you C-ville types head to the same place.[/hijack]

my last final is June 13th. heavy sigh We go very late here, we’re on quarters.

Nah, some little place on the very southern end of North Carolina. Supposedly, not many people go there, so it should be pretty nice.


No more papers to write for Beloit! gleefully prints out short story

Ya’ll are so lucky. I have EIGHT (count 'em, EIGHT) papers due in the next three weeks - plus my proposal for my Honors Thesis. Four papers are due between tomorrow and Tuesday, three the week after that. My last paper is due on the very last day of finals - May 21 - which happens to be my 21st birthday. sigh

Oh, well. After this semester, I only have 3 to go. :slight_smile:

I’m DOOOOOOOONE!!! :smiley: And I got a higher grade than expected in one course! Yay! Now to move out…

Eight papers??? What the hell are you taking that you have eight papers due?? Poor Nacho4Sara!

Last final May 6th, and I walk on the 9th and the 10th. Yes, there’s 3 different ceremonies: Honors, Mwambo (for minority students), and College of Arts & Sciences, which is at the ungodly hour of 8:30 AM. Four years of college and no Senior Thesis. think I’ll get into grad school when I actually apply later this year?

Penn State Worthington Scranton. As of 9:50 AM on Wednesday, May 1st, 2002, I finished my first year of a BS. Only three more…

Well, my last class was Tuesday the 30 of April. After that, I had to write the bitch-assiest lab report ever to have forsaken man. That done, I must complete the take home half of my circuits exam, then take my COCO (COmputer Componants and Operations class) exam on Tuesday, then my circuits exam at 8 AM IN THE FUCKING MORNING on wednesday. (and yes, I know I am being redundant, but’s it 8 AM! That’s too early for…anything!) After that, I’m done. But I don’t go home, I’m staying here over the summer.


… and I kicked major ass on my Holocaust history final this afternoon.

Plus I’m drunk now, to prove it. Woo-hoo!

I’m finished. I got my degree on April 30.
Oh, wait. That was in 1972. I guess I’d better start looking for a real job, soon.

Well tom, celebrate your 30th graduation from college. :slight_smile:

I’ve got two finals this afternoon, one on Monday, and one the afternoon of the 9th (Thursday). But, since I’m working 7 days a week this summer, it won’t be too much of a vacation. Sigh.

On the bright side, only one more semester till I get my B.A. in Political Science, and I’m doing an honors thesis :slight_smile: Wahoo!

Two take home finals due next week, and finish a project in the next few weeks, and I’m done for this semester. Only 3 more to go for the MA.

I have one actual final on Wednesday, but the professor gave us the questions already - she’s going to pick two out of a hat. How cool is that?

To answer your question, I’m an English major, taking four English classes. I’m currently working on a paper about water archetypes in two novels from my Diverse Voices class - it’s pretty cool; I’m connecting the archetypes to Karl Jung’s theory on “collective consciousness” and how they reflect the community dynamic in Chicano and Native American literature.

I have to write a proposal paper about the whole Catholic church crisis, a 2-page paper analyzing the dichotomy between focused love and universal love in Siddhartha, a three-page “journal” for my dramatulurgical analysis class, a 10-page paper about The Unbearable Lightness of Being OR The Master and Margarita (I haven’t decided which book or what thesis yet), a 12-page paper about my Alcoholics Anonymous research for Anthropology, my Honors Proposal, and an analysis of and production concept for a modern play I have not yet read or even decided upon.

However, I am a master at procrastinating, so I’m not too worried. It sucks that the really long papers (10 and 12 pages) are due the same day, though.

Last final is May 14th. yuck. But, I got my history final back (it was a 11 page paper on Amsterdam in the 17th century) and I got an A!!! So, one down 4 to go. And, FWIW, for any of you who read my “should I tranfer” thread, I am staying at Rutgers to finish my bachelor’s. So I graduate at the end of next summer. woot.

I’m done, I’m done, I’m done, I’m done, I’m done!

<pant pant pant>

Okay, so I have another year to go (and maybe more, if my grades suck this semester. Damn big universities). But I’m done for now. Off to senior week and my summer job!