Colonoscopies aren’t just diagnostic. They’re preventative too.
I have to have one every two years. Because I have a preëxisting condition, colitis. And each time they give it to me, they remove at least one polyp. Polyps are precancerous. So they literally save my life each time they do it.
Yeah, cancer does run in my family. My great grandfather apparently died of colon cancer. Would that they only had colonoscopies back then.
Also, I have to tell you. Follow the prep procedure very carefully. If you’re not cleaned out sufficiently down there, they’ll send you home. And if your insurance is like mine, you’ll have to wait another year to get it. If they say, e.g., take a sip of the laxative solution every fifteen minutes, do exactly as they say. And for goodness sake, finish the laxative solution. I know it doesn’t taste good. But refrigerating it does make it taste better.
My biggest two obstacles to getting my colonoscopy (I was actually due last year) have been:
Getting someone to drive me home.
And, honestly, #2 is the worst one - I live alone. My nearest family is 500+ miles away. I don’t have many people I trust enough to drive me home, and one of them is currently 100+ miles away dealing with the Nth family crisis of the year (because he’s the reliable one in that family) so that one is out. I’m not allowed to use a taxi/Uber/Lyft for this. There really needs to be a better solution for folks in my position, other than “sucks to be you, you don’t get this valuable screening/treatment option because you live alone and your friends all have to be at work during times convenient for our testing center”.
Yes, I’m working on it. I’ll get something cobbled together after the New Year (I myself can not take off work until then because I work retail and it’s the holidays - if I was sick, yeah, maybe, but medical testing? Not so much). Or I will lie and say me and the Uber driver know each other from way back.
But yes, get your colonscopies, people! They’re not fun, but cancer is even more unfun.
Item 2 is my issue too, and I even started a thread on it. But I had my first full physical in years, and since I’m over 50 now, the GP told me I really should get one. Since I have no GI issues, and take Metamucil each night, I asked if I could just do Cologuard. Nope.
So I made an appt. with the GI guy for next week, and then I’ll have to plan something out.
Where I live, taking a taxi home is an option. But they generally frown on that, is my understanding. Plus some companies offer a shuttle service, I understand.
I have had one every 3 years since 2010. 7 polyps were found the first time, there have been none since. After my last scoping, I was told I could go 4 years till my next one. 2 of my sisters have had colon cancer, that make me and my 4 other siblings potential victims.
Up here they are now recommending the fecal DNA cancer screening since it replaced the old Fecal Ocult Test which was not that reliable. The new test is recommended every 2 years after 50.
I did the test which came back clean, but some belly pain coupled with IBS since I was a kid, a father who had numerous polyps, and his dad with colon cancer had my doctor send me in at the beginning of the year.
One polyp removal later, I no longer qualify for the DNA test and need a 5 year colonoscopy. If that one comes back clean, it’s back to the DNA test.
I had my colonoscopy in March this year, which meant I was not allowed to even have someone else with me at the doctor’s office when I had the procedure. It was only permitted for children to have a chaperone.
When I had my colonoscopy in 2016, I was told I had to have someone with me, and that they were responsible for getting me home, whether it was with a car, taxi or public transportation.
This year I was informed I was not allowed to drive home, but I was allowed to take public transportation on my own. That was the option I took.
First colonoscopy last August at the age of 56, one polyp found, could walk home afterwards after a longish rest. No accompanying person allowed due to Covid. Propofol is OK, can’t remember anything, guess that is the point. The laxatives the day before (I have forgotten the name) were not nice, but as it was for a good cause, I endured it. Will do it again.
OP should contact the office and explain their circumstances, see if they don’t have a suggestion or can maybe arrange something for you. It’s unlikely you’re the first person in this predicament. They may have resources to help that they can only access is you ask!
Exactly what happened to me. The worst part if it was the fact that this requirement was not mentioned in the instructions (paper copy mailed to me) I received, so after going through all the prep I first heard about it when I checked in to the clinic - and was told that they would refuse to do the procedure unless I could cough up a relative/friend/neighbor.
Oddly enough, three years ago there was no problem with me calling a taxi.
I was due to get it last year but for covid, so this year it is. After my big to do at work is over with in early December. Happily, I have a brother and a friend who are retired so they can drive me.
I highly recommend that everyone go through this. Polyps and cancer run in my ex’s family and he has to go through this routine frequently. Luckily for him, he’s a Brit who gets to swallow two pills and a whole lot of tap water and not the aquarium water we Yanks have to choke down. I’m envious.
Because Uber and cab drivers will just drop you at the curb and drive off, is why!
If a medical professional juices you up such that you need tending, for a period of time, then it’s understandable that they insist on such arrangements.
Do people really not recognize the hospital could easily be sued? Of course they’re adamant and have a strict protocol in place.
(I’m always taken aback that people can’t understand this, it seems quite reasonable and self evident, to me anyway.)