Well teaming millions, your help is requested.
I, or rather my sister, needs some assistance for her color psych class:

  • Our emotional responses to color are most likely to be attributed to the occipital lobe and the:

a) temporal lobe
b) parietal lobe
c) limbic lobe
d) brain stem

  • Our color memory are most likely to be attributed to the occipital lobe and the:

a) temporal lobe
b) parietal lobe
c) limbic lobe
d) brain stem

  • Which is the correct sequence for processing of visual info once it has entered the human brain:

a) occipital lobe >parietal lobe >frontal lobe
b) brain stem >limbic lobe >cortex
c) occipital lobe >basil ganglia >frontal lobe
d) limbic lobe >color blobs >occipital lobe
Well, I’ll leave you all with that for now.
Thanks a bunch in advance for your awesome knowledge.

couldn’t you afford the textbooks?
pssst… search engines.


Thanks for your input. Well, actually, your input didn’t help but I did want to say, as both a vonnegut fan and a “The little prince” fan, I love your handle and your signature.

Kenny, an unwritten rule in the SDMB is that the board is not to be used to get answers on your homework.
