Colorado Politician Calls Mexican Immigrants "Illiterate Peasants"

Albuquerque NM is dominated by an air force base too, and it’s not like that. My sister lives in Colorado Springs.

Then I have my work cut out for me.

No, if you seek work in Slovakia it’s a really good idea to know Slovak otherwise you’ll be cleaning latrines or some other degrading shit while patrons heap scorn.

Tell me, what is it like to be such a complete asshole? :confused:

Wow, ad hominem in 3 posts. That’s gotta be a record.

Or that the cleansing lasted forever.

Re. the literacy of immigrants. I don’t read nor write Korean and I’m from a small town, so would visiting Seoul turn me into an illiterate peasant the instant my feet touched Korean soil? “Literate” is “able to read”, not “able to read the most-commonly-spoken language in the area where you are” or “able to read every single language humanity has managed to come up with.”

Many of them are peasants if by that you mean “not from a big city.” But they’re not peasants in the “village bumpkin” sense, which is how it is used when coupled with “illiterate.”

Peón is not an offensive term in Spanish. It means someone who’s performing work that doesn’t require special qualification, we also have peón cualificado, which means someone that already has some technical training (think a “senior apprentice”). So when a “Mexican” calls himself a peón he’s not making a funny or anything, he’s just saying “I’m doing pretty basic job.” I’ve been a peón when I already had an Engineering degree, the big white piece of paper with the signature of the Minister of Education didn’t go poof or anything.

The instant your more than likely lovely feet touched Korean soil your grasp of Sartre or Darwin or Neruda would be distilled and bottled and sold on the open market. If on the other hand you were Korean and came to Grand Junction with no English skills all that deliciousness would be wasted because in this climate and within these provincial boundaries people who are not English-literate are therefore deemed illiterate. I mentioned this above but there are a lot of good people under the gun with all this anti-immigrant pressure. As far as I’m concerned this is a low point for my community. In the long run I suppose we can always rebuild.

Longmont is the Alabama of the Denver Metro Area.

Will that play any role in the 2008 Dem Convention, I wonder?