Colorado voters, you get what you pay for - Jack Shit

Can we avoid turning this into another ACA thread and focus on reverse pitting a Republican complaining that there are insufficient tax receipts to fund his public school teaching job?

“I didn’t think they would punch me in the face” says the man who voted for the We’ll Punch You In the Face party.

Umm, yeah about that edumacation thingy . . . percents, how does them work?

CMC fnord!

Your last sentence is echoed quite nicely by this cartoon from the New Yorker:

Possibly unsubstantiated assumptions here. The OP might not be a man.

Neither. Gary Johnson

Tax Payer Bill of Rights

I believe some of these mental midgets might be remembering a certain highway improvement tax, which was voted in. For Denver residents this resulted in 10 years of construction, the likes of: Your exit has been closed for the next nine months, find a workaround. Oh, you’re used to the access lane being on the right? Okay, we’ll move it to the left. You’re used to it being on the left? Ha, we moved it back. This bridge that you drive over every day to take your kids to school, well, we’re taking it out for the next year and a half. Okay, we’re down to one lane here deal with it, it’s gonna make things all better.

And guess what, it did not get better, when it was finished (if it was ever finished). Although now there is a light rail line so I guess that might qualify as an improvement, too bad they ran it through your back yard and decreased your property value forever.

So probably long-time residents are thinking “Not that again. It didn’t help. Traffic is worse than ever!” And they are correct traffic is worse than ever. Insanity is doing the same thing over and expecting a different result.

On the plus side, no more slavery in Colorado!

At least Amendment A passed. Not sure why there had to be a statewide referendum on removing provisions for slavery from the State constitution, but at least that’s changed now.

My wife is a public school teacher so I can relate to OPs pain of voters and elected officials fucking over teachers, thankfully here is Wisconsin we just booted out our fucktard for someone who cares about public education.

Math is too hard. Now, if ALL the Reps and ALL the Dems voted, he’d have an argument.

There’s a difference in supporting some of the policies Trump happens to support and being a Trump supporter, and I myself am glad to welcome Saint Cad to (one of) the sides with the sane people. If more Republicans were open to these more traditionally liberal ideas, rather than refusing to meet in the middle at all, we’d have a much better Democracy.

Don’t get me wrong: the guy annoys me a lot, but respect where it’s due.

Also, happy to have magellan on the side of single payer. It actually gives me hope that maybe it can be done.

I think I paraphrased it from some Onion article or meme.


None of the above is a coward’s way out. Take a stand!

Jefferson County, Colorado voted for tax increases for education but voted against bonds for school construction. I was really pleased by this; Saint Cad is right that teacher salaries are way too low in Colorado and this tax increase was specifically for the purpose of raising salaries. I also feel like the county has been not prioritizing their construction projects very carefully and I am not sure I want them to borrow a bunch of money for this unless they can present a plan. Maybe they did present a plan, but I haven’t seen it and I have children in the district.

All that said, I was not really surprised at the results with the Republicans preaching about the evils of education for the last 2 decades and constantly saying how greedy and wasteful the teachers and school districts are. Same with the roads. I argue with my Republican friends about this: they think the government is inept and corrupt and want all the bureaucrats fired. I argue that I like the services I get from the government. I like the roads, the schools, the divisions that protect the forests and the wild life. I like clean air and water and thus like the EPA. I think many times corporations get away with a lot at the expense of citizens and government regulation is the only thing that stands in their way, so I even like well crafted regulations. I like that the government gave me unemployment assistance when I lost my job in 2008 (even though it wasn’t much). I like that they help pay for my aging mothers housing and medical care. I think that bureaucrasts are typically well meaning people that are doing the best they can at their jobs. Having a professional government that looks out for its citizenry is one fo the things that made the west great. I wish they would do more and I consistently vote to raise my taxes but they consistently go down when the Republicans get into office.

Adrian Bott, 2015

IMO the man richly deserves credit for this little bit of awesome: good job, Mr. Bott!

Where does Colorado’s marijuana taxes go? Ours were supposed to go to schools, and instead sit in a rainy day fund last I checked.

Heinrich was the incumbent and got 53.8%. Rich still would’ve lost. Not sure how that’s evidence of a spoiler.

And which policies would those be? That’s pretty crucial to see if you’re just touting a difference without a distinction. Anyway, I’m at a loss to see how anyone who is not a supporter of that incompetent is in favor of anything Trump does.

And it was their idea in the first place!

Let’s assume it wasn’t the tax cut policy, because obviously the OP is opposed to that. What else has Trump done? Tried to ban transgender soldiers? Separated children into camps from their parents, and then lost track of the parents? Put a possible sexual predator onto the Supreme Court? Gave for-profit schools a break? Probably not that one. Getting rid of net neutrality regulations? The Muslim travel ban?

So, OP – are you transphobic? Islamophobic? A fan of separating kids from their parents? Do you work for Comcast? No, you’re a teacher. Hmmm. Are you pro-emoluments? Are you happy that Trump dropped sanctions on a Chinese phone maker after the Chinese government invested $500 million in the Trump organization? Are you a fan of tariffs? Maybe you’re a fan of Kim Jong Un? Trump is. Help us out here.

You liberals invariably focus on the amount of money spent on schools; and, no matter how much it is, you invariably whine that it’s not enough.

You are intellectually dishonest; you totally ignore the fact that there is ZERO correlation between how much money is spent and the results.

WalletHub says that Colorado has the 10th best school system in the nation.

And we have the 13th highest SAT scores.

And yet you whine, whine, whine about how efficiently we’re spending our money.

As much as “democracy” is worshiped on this board, one would think that the practice of it would NOT be considered “weird-ass.”

Oh well–live and learn.