The gracious moderators have given me approval to announce the opening of my personal website,
Two webpage based games have been made available, Chessers and Testimony, offering you the chance to play something new and original with your friends at a leisurely pace over days or weeks or months.
Chessers is a variation on standard chess, taking some cues from computer strategy games in adding things like geographical features that can help or impede progress, fog of war to simulate the uncertainty of wartime engagements, and spies who feed you information on your opponent’s positions. But unlike strategy games, it still has the underlying simplicity of a board game, distilling real life warfare into a chess-like approximation.
Testimony combines diceless roleplay with Clue. You and your fellow players (a minimum of three) are suspects in a horrible crime, but now seek to determine which of you is the guilty party by playing the parts of witness, defendent, prosecutor, and jury. For each piece of information you testify about, you will seek to railroad one of your opponents into guilt, or via careful study and meticulous research, you can prove that one of the other players has been lying to the “court”. This game is entirely a battle of wits and cunning.
As well as these two games, I will shortly be releasing a fantasy novel, proceeded by a real time multiplayer gaming application, a webcomic, and other works. also allows you to create your own homepage via the inbuilt WikiScript and 500KB of filespace for images or stories, or whatever you wish to share with others. Soon you will be able to have an entire private wiki to do with as you wish, with the goal being to appeal to others and make friends to play games with. A full list of things currently planned are available at this link.
I will note that there’s only me behind this, and I have done my best to test the webpage, but apologies in advance if you do find anything that’s not quite perfect. Rest assured that I will seek to fix any issues you have in short order.
And don’t hesitate to make suggestions for improvements to the games. They’ve never been played before!