Come ye after me, and I will make you to become fishers of men.


Mark 1:17

Do I win something?

That line always gave me the image of Jesus and the Apostles at the Last Supper, but there’s guys hanging by hooks in their mouths from the ceiling. Jesus is gnawing on a roast thigh while the Apostles look at him with VERY dubious expressions.

And I don’t click on unknown youtube links since that irritating rickrolling fad started.

(the smiley in the OP is a link)

Well, all I can say is that if I ever “rickroll” someone, I’m using that video. Thanks for the laugh, Weirddave!

That wasn’t funny. That was just pathetic. :frowning:

I can’t un-listen!!!

Ya know, if I didn’t know better, I’d swear there was a developmentally disabled woman in the room yelling about an “Ass Jesus”.

On Edit: Holy crap…scooped by a YouTube comment…

Well I can’t access your link but I can’t imagine what would make you want to disrespect Jesus.
Even after reading DT’s post I’ll stand by my statement. Fire at will, sir.

It’s not Jesus that he was disrespecting. It’s a video of a very strange woman.

I like that, in the video itself, the title screen is:

“Ask Jesus to Come on Your Heart.”

Now THAT’s a money shot i’d like to see.

“Ask Jesus to Come Sit on Your Heart,” the title of the page, is no less confusing. I guess I should watch the thing later, but these comments are making me nervous.

Thanks for the info. That Dave’s not a bad guy, even if he is a little on the weird side.

Ass Jesus (possibly NSFW):

I’m Jesus and I’m here to tell ye…

The lady in the OP also wants to thank anomolous for exposing truth about science O’lodgey.

That was painful…very painful. I’d ask Jesus to sit on her throat to get her to shut up.

Is this woman serious, or just parody? Nowadays, it’s hard to tell.

Linkeypoo (SFW)

I am a tolerant, generally socially liberal, 21st century man. Whatever consenting adults do in the privacy of their own home is not weird, not crazy, not sick, it’s their choice and their right.
I am a tolerant, generally socially liberal, 21st century man. Whatever consenting adults do in the privacy of their own home is not weird, not crazy, not sick, it’s their choice and their right.
I am a tolerant, generally socially liberal, 21st century man. Whatever consenting adults do in the privacy of their own home is not weird, not crazy, not sick, it’s their choice and their right.
I am a tolerant, generally socially liberal, 21st century man. Whatever consenting adults do in the privacy of their own home is not weird, not crazy, not sick, it’s their choice and their right.
I am a tolerant, generally socially liberal, 21st century man. Whatever consenting adults do in the privacy of their own home is not weird, not crazy, not sick, it’s their choice and their right.
I am a tolerant, generally socially liberal, 21st century man. Whatever consenting adults do in the privacy of their own home is not weird, not crazy, not sick, it’s their choice and their right.
I am a tolerant, generally socially liberal, 21st century man. Whatever consenting adults do in the privacy of their own home is not weird, not crazy, not sick, it’s their choice and their right.
I am a tolerant, generally socially liberal, 21st century man. Whatever consenting adults do in the privacy of their own home is not weird, not crazy, not sick, it’s their choice and their right.
I am a tolerant, generally socially liberal, 21st century man. Whatever consenting adults do in the privacy of their own home is not weird, not crazy, not sick, it’s their choice and their right.
Hmm, it’s not working, I still think this guy’s a Jobbernowl.

FAIL. That was supposed to be a new thread.

Sit on my heart and tell me that you’ll save me! :smiley: