Comedy Festival in nearly here!

Yay! bouncing around the room

The 2001 Melbourne International Comedy Festival is only 19 days away!

I just got my hands on the program & as I’m looking through it, I’m starting to remember all those drunken nights, the days strugling through your work because you were out until 3 every morning this week, hugging the International Comedians that you only get to see at this time of the year, dancing to the Scaredies Superband & screaming for just one more 80’s hit sung by your favourite tone deaf comedian, drinking more than you thought you could, laughing lots at amazing shows, seeing the one completely dud show that you always discover, playing sing-along with your favourite comedians that desperately need to write new material, placing bets on who is going to hook up with who this year, watching the desperate attempts by the jokies to sleep with their favourite comedian & having them completely hate you when you just walk up and hug your friend…

Mmmmm… So many memories…

Can’t wait for this year’s insanity.

Well I for one am green with envy. I love comedy and don’t get out to the comedy clubs nearly enough. There’s nothing like a comedy festival where I live. There oughta be, tho.