Comics I Don't Understand - Bill Bickel RIP

Sad news for any followers of the CIDU blog. The blogger Bill Bickel has died suddenly, aged 65.

I think I learned about CIDU from the SDMB. Certainly it has been mentioned here a few times.

The CIDU blog was a discussion of online comics with jokes that Bill or other people didn’t get. Contributors would analyse and try to extract some meaning.

While CIDU’s were the main focus of the blog, there were other topics. The Synchronicity tag was when two comics ran similar jokes on the same day. The Geezers tag was when a comic made a joke based on popular culture from several decades ago. The very funniest comics were rewarded with the LOL tag. Awful puns received an Oy.

The blog recently celebrated its 20th anniversary.

At the moment it’s too soon to tell if it’s the end of CIDU. Will someone take over Bill’s job? Those are big shoes to fill.

Oh no! :worried: I wondered why there were no posts for the past few days. He was a good guy, and I’ll miss CIDU.

There was a period where I read that every day. Sorry to hear this.

Yeah, I was over there sometimes too. I saw this in the comments there right after reading all the Justice Ginsburg articles and got teary eyed.

RIP non-idiot Bill Bickel.

Oh, wow. That is sad. That has been on my daily read list for a decade? I did wonder why no updates recently and I had no idea.

Annnd the Arlo Page was for when a comic artist tried to sneak something naughty past the censors.

I actually got into several comics thanks to his blog, tho I had a personal disagreement with him about something several years back and rarely visited the site afterwards. Still he will be missed.