I have a minor nitpick on Cecil’s column Designated drunk: Can you get intoxicated without actually drinking alcohol?. In some states (Ohio, for example) the operation of any vehicle while intoxicated is prohibited. This includes bicycles, horse-drawn buggies, and I would presume skateboards. (My only cite is personal conversations with several police officers a decade or more ago–feel free to disprove my assertion.)
Of course police aren’t often looking for drunken skateboarders, but I wouldn’t want Uncle Cecil encouraging illegal activities.
I live in a big biking town. There are more bikes here per capita than anywhere in the country (so I’m told). The cops here have no qualms about handing out DUIs to drunk bicyclists, and most people know it.
I think it’s slightly different than a real DUI, but its not a joke around these parts. It makes you a safety hazard, if you can’t operate a bike properly, its likely that you could swerve into traffic and a) get yourself killed or b) cause an accident.