Commercial credit humour?

My boss asked me for some ‘credit trivia’ for our upcoming newsletter. [NB: We do commercial credit.] I sent three suggestions (Fair Isaacs was founded in 1956, and FICO scores were introduced in 1989; How reporting on your customers can help in debt collection, and how it can help good-paying customers; and reporting creditors’ identities are kept secret). He asked if I could come up with any humorous trivia. I can’t think of anything.

Does anyone have any funny trivia relating to commercial credit?

Well, you’ve done. The unanswerable question. Let’s face it, there is no humor in credit!

IKR? The one funny thing I can think of was when a member’s system wouldn’t sent their a/r file because there was a customer on Dyke Road, and their program thought it was offensive. That one would not be appropriate for a Christmas newsletter. Or any newsletter.

It might be appropriate in a newsletter about the Scunthorpe problem.