Commercial for new weight-loss drug: "It's not your fault"

I thought for awhile about where to put this thread. My first instinct was the pit, so I could bitch about it. Then I thought GD, in hopes of getting some intelligent discussion going. Finally I settled on MPSIMS because it’s nothing new, it just sort of pecked on the back of my mind all day so I felt I had to share.

I was walking through the break room at work today and caught part of a commecial for a new weight loss drug. The spokeswoman explains a little bit about the weight problem in America, how it gets worse as you age, etc., and then looks directly into the camera and states, “It’s not your fault.”

They then go on to list the causes of weight gain on the screen, which include:

[li]Stress at work[/li][li]Lack of excersize[/li][li]Poor diet[/li][/ul]

How in the world are those things not your fault? The first one is debatable but the latter two are pretty much cut in stone for otherwise able-bodied people. To even suggest those aren’t your fault feels very counter productive to me.

We are never going to be able to work towards solving our obesity problem if we keep telling ourselves it’s ok, be proud of your body, it’s not your fault, here, take this pill and eat whatever you want. You don’t have time to excersize.

I too hate that commercial. Lipozene, right? What cracks me up about it is that they say it is “clinically proven to work”, but if you read the fine print, you’ll see the standard FDA disclaimer. Something to the effect of this drug is not proven to reduce wieght or really do anything else.

Have you seen the commercials for Turbo Jam? They guarantee that you will lose up to 10 lbs and 10" in just 10 days. That’s right *** UP*** to 10 lbs and 10". Guess what? I’m gauranteed to lose UP to 1,000 lbs by just sitting here typing this post.

These infomerrcials just annoy the crap out of me and they are the only thing on at 5:30AM when I get up.

yup, like Head and Shoulders, which can leave your scalp up to 100% flake-free after only ten days.

Is that the one where they claim you’ll burn up to 1,000 calories per hour? Yeah, right, with their bodyweight aerobics routine. :dubious: Maybe if you do it upside down while sprinting up a hill in a windstorm. With a dishwasher chained to your ass for added weight.

As Covert Bailey put it over 20 years ago, if exercise was a pill, it would be the most-prescribed pill ever. The sad thing is that people want this stuff to work, because they can’t take 15 minutes three times a week and walk around the block a few tmies with a bunch of books in a backpack.

“Up to” is a standard weasel phrase everywhere. “Save up to 99%!” “Earn up to $5,000 a day!” “Makes you look up to 15 sizes smaller!” There’s really no restrictions on using these words except that it must be in some manner possible, no matter how superhuman the effort required to achieve it is. Lose up to 10lbs in 10 days? Of course you can! All you need to do is eay one celery stick and drink eight gallons of water per day. After 10 days you’ll be 10lbs lighter. You’ll probably be malnourished, weak, and willing to murder the nearest person for a cheesesteak, but you’ll look better at your arraignment.

I hate that they’re trying to absolve everyone of responsibility for having a poor diet and engaging in no excersize. Unless you’re in jail or have been captured by the Hezbollah, what you eat is wholly your responsibiliy. If you stuff your face with crap and empty calories – surprise! – you’re going to gain weight. If you fail to work off those calories in some fashion – surprise! – the weight gain won’t take very long.

I’m about 30+lbs overweight, accumulated over the last several years of negligence following life with a hyperactive metabolism that only slowed down at the turn of the century. Know what? It’s my own damn fault. So what am I doing about it? Diet and excersize.

Okay, right now just diet. I haven’t worked up to the excersize part yet, but I will at least acknowledge that it is a helpful part of the equation.

I saw the same ad many times (I take lunch at home so I get all the crap daytime TV ads) but they call it Relacore or something. Cracks me up, the chick doing the sale is so intense about it. It looks like pretty effective advertising though, whatever publicity company handled that did it well.

I can play this game too!

Next time I’m at the bar, I’m going to walk up to the hottest girl there, look her dead in the eyes, and tell her I make up to $300,000 a year and my cock is up tp 10" long.

You could very probably bag the Relacore spokeschyk that way. She looks as credulous as a drugged teenager.

It’s not my fault? So, does this mean I can blame somebody else for keeping me chained to my bed reading books and watching "Best Week Ever"and shoving Cherry Coke and In-n-Out burgers down my gullet? :rolleyes:

I’ve spent the last 15 years watching my weight yo-yo up and down, trying various weight-loss plans, starting and stopping exercise regimens, and I still believe diet and exercise are the most effective at helping one lose weight. Not that I follow my own advice or anything. :o

I think the line is spoken in hopes that it will appeal to the intended purchasers and not in regard to its truth.

I have this odd conviction that most lines in advertising are composed without concern to the truth, except insofar as regulations restrain them.

I used to work for a man who did surgeries that shunted people’s intestines around so they would lose weight. (This was years before the advent of the gastric bypass - my boss eventually gave up the surgeries because, even though they worked well, they caused such weird metabolic side effects that he considered they broke his Hippocratic oath. Or, at least, weren’t a great idea.)

(One of them was a guy whose bypassed loop harbored a strain of bacteria which made alcohol. When they got going the only way to sober him up was to give him antibiotics.)

My boss, who was a fairly passive-aggressive Swede with an aggressive-aggressive side restrained by intellectualism, told me that his super-morbidly-obese clients were the most passive-aggressive people he had ever met. He said, “Don’t ever do it until it’s the patient who asks you. His wife will come and beg you to do the surgery. Don’t. His children, his parents if living, his brothers and sisters, his friends, his neighbors, his boss, his pastors will come and beg you to do the surgery. Don’t do it until he begs you himself.”

He also introduced me to one of his patients who had made the complete turnaround that comes with the lost weight. I will never forget how she stood in the clinic room, lifting her arms, checking out the new surgery lines where they had had to amputate those huge bags of skin that depended from her now skinny arms. She told me, “There is a huge change in your life when you lose the weight, and you can’t do it alone. The surgery and the surgeon is the least important part of it. The counselors rank near the most important. But you need to have a team, and the team gets you through it. And everythiing about you will change. And not everyone can handle it.”

She also told me (what I expect most people know nowadays, but it was my first time learning it) that the surgery does not take a fat person and slim her down into a normal person. She weighed about one-eighty and always would. My boss agreed; he said a super morbidly obese person has not only more fat cells in the body, but also more bone cells, more kidney cells, more heart cells, more muscle cells; only the fat cells go away with the dieting. He said you could show the increased density of their bones with bone scans.

So maybe the very morbidly obese people this ad is trying to reach are sitting there feeling helpless and hopeless, as I’m sure depressive symptoms are natural in this society once you reach that stage, and they would do anything to lose the weight but they’re fairly sure from decades of yo-yo experimentation that they can’t lose the weight, and they can’t exercise because their huge bodies HURT when they try (and indeed it is fairly dangerous to try to exercise when your heart is already pumping through a mile of capillaries only feeding fat). The appeal that it isn’t their fault may be designed to reach winningly through their depression, and/or their passive-aggressiveness, and get them to come forward and buy the product.

But I agree it is a lie, I propose that the people who wrote the commercial know it is a lie, and I agree you have every right to be irritated by it.

We live in an age where nothing is anyone’s fault. It is the “victim mentality.”

I was debating weight loss in another thread with someone who underwent GB surgery. The funniest part was her reason for being fat. According to her, “My stomach was too big. That’s why I had GB surgery.” LOL!! Talk about denial…

Don’t forget the magic metabolism arguement. That one’s always a classic winner.

I want a Magic Metabolism! Do they sell those on infomercials?

Yea, the metabolism argument is good. “I have a slow metabolism!” Yea, well so do I. And I managed to lose weight.

The “best” argument, though, is the disease one: “I have [insert name of disease]! I also suffer from [insert medical condition]! So I can’t lose weight!!” :rolleyes:

It’s funny how different people have different weaknesses. I exercise a lot but just have trouble sticking to a proper diet. I manage to keep outrageous stuff to a minimum, but there’s a lot of times where I go for a sub at lunch instead of the salad I brought from home.

But I’ve managed to lose 15 pounds since February and only have 10 more pounds to go. And that is Definately My Fault.

The worst thing about her is that simpering smile on her face as she delivers her last line: It’s easy! You’ll LOVE it!

Eek. She has the look of a freshly brainwashed cultist.

Ah, that’s it exactly. You’d expect to see her in a group of Scientologists or something.

I think we’re on to something here. Does this new “drug” taste at all like Kool Aid?

They do. Guaranteed to increase your metabolism by up to 1000%. But if you order now, they’ll send you a second Magic Metabolism absolutely FREE! You just pay shipping!