Commercials that have worked on you

Without half thinking about it, I bought a package of Oreos today. I got home, settled in front of the TV, and saw the Oreo commercial AGAIN – the first time was early this morning before shopping. It was about dunking Oreos in milk – Mmmmm, Oreos and milk, :drool profusly: I never consiously thought about the ad for a second while I was in the store.

And I’ve already seen an ad for another snack that I must try – looks like a Pringles but tastes like a Hershey bar… called Swoosh or something like that.

Those Swoops things aren’t as good as they seem. Not bad, but not anything special.

I rather like cookie commercials myself. When I see the Keebler elves, I always want those little elf-shaped cookies. I also seem to buy orange juice in response to orange juice commercials.

Agreed. By seeing the commercials you’d think they’re chocolate coated pringle chips, or at least that was the impression I got. But they’re nothing but chips of chocolate. Not the best tasting chocolate either.

The only commercial that has worked on me (that I can think of) was a commercial for Ballfrank hotdogs featuring Michael Jordan. Damndest thing, I couldn’t care less about basketball, and I’m not very fond of Ballfrank hotdogs in particular, but whenever I saw Michael Jordan eating a hotdog in this commercial…I really really wanted a 7 inch long meat product in a bread reciprocal of sorts.

Movie trailers, obviously.

Aside from those, I really don’t know and can’t think of any at the moment. I’m not so arrogant that I believe myself to be immune to advertising but I honestly can’t think of anything that’s worked on me consciously.

That’s exactly what I thought. I couldn’t imagine how they thought they’d sell any of those things.

I don’t know. The “They plump when you cook 'em!” slogan has always creeped me out just a bit.

Well it’s not a commercial but I once bought a jar of Nutella because Kobe Bryant’s photo was on it.
Almost any fast food commercial will work on me when I feel like I am starving.
Then there is this infomercial for this product called the Magic Bullet and one sleepless night I was wishing that I had a credit card so I could buy it because this goofy infomercial had me convinced that I needed a Magic Bullet…then I knew it was time to go to bed.

Those jammin’ Jiffy Peanut Butter Rasta elephants made me want to spark up a huge blunt, and make a peanut butter sandwich, but I was out of bread.

Moving this from IMHO to Cafe Society.

Any fast food commercial makes me want a hamburger.

The type of hamburger it makes me crave is the kind In N’ Out makes, though, so it’s not really effective.

It wasn’t a commercial, but in my young and impressionable days I was influenced to try Dunhill cigarettes by the ads I saw in European magazines. This was a long time ago, and I don’t know if the magazines there carry cigarette ads anymore, but I should explain that the ads were very different from American ads. American tobacco ads usually promote smoking as a lifestyle, and show smokers driving cattle or surveying their vast tracts of land, or else they’re engaging in some fun, vigorous activity that has nothing to do with smoking. The European ads, in sharp contrast, were all about the marvellous quality of the product itself–how fine the tobaccos were and how carefully each cigarette was made and packed. That appealed to me.

and I have to admit I enjoyed smoking, but fortunately for some reason I don’t become addicted to tobacco, because I had absolutely no problem quitting.

I bought a can of Oust after seeing a couple of commercials. Then I saw another one, and realized what bullshit the ads are: an air freshener that destroys odor by killing the bacteria? Those stinky airborne bacteria? Still; it’s a less cloyingly perfumy air freshener than others I’ve used.

Commercials that ensure that I’ll never buy their product are those shampoo commercials that show animated sequences of hair mechanically repairing itself. How can they get away with that? That’s blatantly false advertizing, but they continue to do it.

It’s all I use - I bring my own from home whenever I’m away.

Why? Because of that phony, cheap, I-know-it’s-bullshit, “Zestfully Clean” campaign that ran about 7-10(?) years ago. The ads with the old “You’re Not Fully Clean Unless You’re Zestfully Clean” song. In the commercial, they showed the soap scum that’s left on glass shower doors from ‘ordinary’ soap and how Zest’s sheathing action enabled the glass (and of course, your skin) to be rinsed completely clean with no residue / film / sticky, cloudy soap scum left behind.