
In practice the USSR and Communism didnt have a lot in common :slight_smile:

Daoloth I was the one to originally quote Websters in this thread. I also stated that looking at communism as only 2b was simplistic at best. Your view of Communism is simplistic at best. I’ll even go out to say that Websters is wrong here.

Just like Nucular isnt really the right way to write Nuclear. Just because its in the Dictionary doesnt make it right. Just because its been confused enough times doesnt make it true. Were talking drastically different things: the theory of Marx (mostly) and the governments in the 2nd world that called themselves Communist. I can call myself God almighty but it wouldnt make it true.

If the word Communism means both things then we really should make this two threads. At least two.

Facts first.

Fact 1) There never was a good communist country by any definition.
Fact 2) Communism was always accompanied by material deprivations, suppression of freedoms and mass murders.

On the basis of historical evidence I’d say, “Yeah, inherently bad concept”.

There were many people who sincerely believed that Communism was a “good concept” if “wielded correctly”. Most of them were murdered by other Communists.

Impressions now.

The best thing I’ve ever heard about any Communist party was that some of them served some good in European parliamentary democracies (particularly France and Italy) as an influential opposition to rapacious and/or corrupt governments to advance some causes of the working people. One may argue that those positive results were accidental by-products of the failed struggle for political supremacy, though.

The best thing I’ve ever heard about Marx himself was that he really was a progressive of his times (he admired USA and denigrated Russia) and his grandiose theories of inevitable Communistic future were simply a throwback to his younger days as an aspiring Romantic poet. However, Hitler also was an aspiring artist in his youth.

“Was it Democracy vs. Communism?” I think there never was a direct all-consuming fight there. I think Communism was a disease. Human life is not all about fighting diseases; it’s about living. Democratic countries had to beat back Communism on a regular basis in order to stay Democratic and enjoy all the blessings that modern Western Democracy brings.

“Was it simply USA vs. USSR?” I think if USSR weren’t Communist, there certainly would be no confrontation.

Russia would be a whole lot better off without a Communist experience.

Saying that the USSR, Cuba, China, etc were not “true communism” and therefore, communism DOES work is just another variation of the “No True Scotsman” fallacy.

Saying that the USSR, Cuba, China, etc were not “true communism” and therefore, communism DOES work is just another variation of the “No True Scotsman” fallacy.

Point to a single example of a “Communist” country that would meet your definition. Only real-world examples of real countries qualify.

A political doctrine that has never been implemented is ultimately as so much fart gas.

And just like most ideologies, Communism doesn’t come in one, clean cut form. Christianity has Protestant, Orthodox, Catholic, etc. Communism have Marxist, Soviet, Maoist, Leninist, etc.

To imply that Communism is a strictly defined ideology with no deviation is simplistic at best.

Communism is a wonderful idea that doesn’t take into account human nature.
Capitalism is a terrible idea that takes account of human nature only too well.
A mixed economy balances the two…
It’s just a question of where you put the safety net…