Community Season Premiere

Incredible! They’re still the best comedy on TV.

I lost it at “Inspector Spacetime.”

The monolith/table bit!

The 2001: A Space Odyssey nod was cool.

I was expecting Abed to lose it when they changed to a different Inspector Spacetime.

Cougarton Abbey was pretty good.

The 2001 bit was awesome. I thought it was just going to be a brief gag with the solarized/color changing shot of Jeff’s eyes, but the whole sequence was brilliant. Also loved the musical opening. :slight_smile:

“Monkey Killing Gas”

I’d watch Cougarton Abbey.


The whole Cougarton Abbey joke was great. It was an extreme version of how I feel about some British comedies.

I like how Omar Little/Michael K Williams/Biology Professor inherited many of Omar’s mannerisms and sayings, like “you feel me?”

John Goodman’s character (whose name I don’t know, and I’ll probably just call him John Goodman for the rest of the season) shows a lot of promise, and I’m looking forward to the rest of the season.

Wow. If anyone had any worries about the show, this put them to rest.

Even something as small as the dean putting his hand on Jeff before leaving the room had me breaking out laughing.

I was worried about John Goodman because of their guest star misstep in last season’s premiere, but he was great.

Here’s the Inspector Spacetime clip. Just brilliant. Community: Inspector Spacetime - YouTube

On the whiteboard:

Now, I’m curious.

And that’s WhusssuP.

“I know who Sean Penn is! I’ve seen Milk!”

Loved the musical number at the start also. And the peek at Annie’s underthings was not terrible.

My wife actually said, “whoa, back it up there. I think we just saw Annie’s underpants.”

Best wife ever.

Shhhh! Dude, you are giving away that I’m your sock. Or vice versa. In any case, that was the exact conversation at our house, and the exact same wifal evaluation. Mine even paused and backed up so I could see it in slo-mo.

When did they they show Annie’s Boob’s namesake’s underpants?

I missed Annie’s Boob’s namesake’s underpants as well. Dammit.

Anyway, great episode. I loved the British shows and Britta’s comment that there were only 6 eps and that gets you closure. I definitely need to watch it again.

Anyone else see this profile of Dan Harmon in Wired?

Thanks. That was an interesting interview.