never mind: I was trying to find if a term existed for a display screen that needs to be visible to many people but is not necessarily “public”. Then I eventually figured out it’s information radiator (or dashboard).
(this thread can be deleted)
never mind: I was trying to find if a term existed for a display screen that needs to be visible to many people but is not necessarily “public”. Then I eventually figured out it’s information radiator (or dashboard).
(this thread can be deleted)
There are other terms.
For example, the Chancellor of the Exchequor, the treasurer in the English parliament,
is named that because the Exchequor was a allocation board in the middle of court, akin to a cabinet meeting … so if it looks like a chess board , it could be an exchequor.
There are other names. Traffic light. Ticker board. Heat map.
You better not call it a Public Information Screen System… P.I.S.S.
Since this thread didn’t get deleted I should explain a bit what happened:
I had heard the term “radiator” many times to refer to information screens. But on googling stuff like “radiator UI” I was just getting pictures of devices to heat homes, and I was starting to wonder if “radiator” was just a word my company had made up.
After creating this thread I thought to try “information radiator” and many examples came up.
So sorry, it’s a kinda pointless thread