In the '70s, we’d sometimes used laundry detergent in the form of compressed powder discs about three inches in diameter and an inch or so thick. They were easier to use than a heavy box of powder and a measuring cup (which we also used), as you just got two discs out of the box and threw them in. (Actually, I’d crumble them.) I thought these might be ‘Salvo Tablets’, but I read that Salvo had been discontinued a decade earlier.
I can’t remember what they were called, specifically, I think several of the major detergent brands had versions of these–and I think you could still find them as late as the 1990s. My main recollection of them is back in the era when I had to use laundromats, some of them would sell this type of detergent in the detergent vending machine (although they also often just sold the small single-load cardboard boxes of loose powder.)
Because according to that article (which goes into the backstory of how pods came to be, and why tablets went away before that), published just yesterday, you are correct. They were called Salvo.
In the dark world of eBay for discontinued consumer products, I see these, which look about the right age:
The ones I remember using (possibly faulty memory) I don’t think looked exactly like that, but that’s basically the same idea. Maybe I used a different brand.
Right age, but wrong shape. The ones we used were definitely discs. IIRC, dad preferred All detergent. Thanks to your link, I found Wisk tablets. Those could be the ones. I know he used Wisk liquid on his shirt collars.
Back in the 60’s several brands made the large tablets. Salvo was probably the most memorable, because IIRC the “Salvo” brand came in no other form. Whereas even then Tide or Calgon or whatever would come in a couple different natures, whether liquid, powder, or pellet. Not nearly the ridiculous extent of brand extension we have now, with 23 “flavors” of Tide brand liquid pods alone, but IIRC most of the leading brands had at least one variation.
I can’t recall the brand of any other specific big tablets, but I’m fairly sure there were such.
In the 1980s, I used a powder laundry detergent that came in little sachets or envelopes, each containing one load’s worth and each made of dryer sheet fabric. I liked using it in college. As it was I had to lug my laundry a few blocks, and this way I just had to carry two sachets rather than a whole bottle of detergent.