A friend just sent me this. Can you explain how the heck something like this could happen to a serious site? Are they trying to be funny? Go to Google Maps and do the following:
click on “get directions”
type " New York " in the first box (the “from” box)
It’s not that Google isn’t “serious”, they’re just not as stoic as most other big corporations. They do lots of little “just for fun” things like April Fool’s jokes, logo variations for various holidays and important dates, providing the home page in Klingon, etc. California casual, maybe?
Google had no intervention on that one. That was done by a site called Albino Black Sheep, who created a joke page in the style of Google’s “no results found” page. Then they got a lot of other folks on the Web to link to that joke page using the words “French Military Victories”, and Google’s automated page ranking system took notice. Likewise for other “googlebombs”, such as the one for “Weapons of Mass Destruction” (a similar joke page, saying “The weapons of mass destruction you are looking for cannot be found”, etc.), or the one linking “Miserable Failure” to George W. Bush’s official biography.
I live in Washington, Tyne & Wear, UK and wanted directions to Bedford, UK.
Plugged in “Washington” and “Bedford” and got similar results but with the addition of a detailed route across the US as far as NY.
This was about a week ago, so not April 1st but soon after.