Computer monitor problem

I have a KDS 17" VS-7 17" multiscan monitor. When it gets thoroughly warm, it develops a nonlinearity in the horizontal drive (squished on the sides, bloated in the middle). I suspect it is a transistor or capacitor that I could replace.

Does anybody know exactly what I need to do?

If not, where can I find a schematic, or more specific repair info?

Based on the form of your question, I suspect you are very much a novice at fixing advanced electronics. CRTs are dangerous things, even unplugged. They are most definitely not something you even want to take the cover off of, much less try to fix.

The monitor repair FAQ might give you some ideas, but I suggest you read Sam G.'s warnings and leave it alone.

Well, I have no experience repairing PC-type stuff. With the aid of a good book, I have a lot of experience repairing modular Mac-type monitors (a transistor or two and some capacitors were the usual suspects). I have a healthy respect for the dangers present.

Thanks for the link - I’ll check it out.

Well, I have no experience repairing PC-type stuff. With the aid of a good book, I have a lot of experience repairing modular Mac-type monitors (a transistor or two and some capacitors were the usual suspects). I have a healthy respect for the dangers present.

Thanks for the link - I’ll check it out.

the document type is .djv - what application do I use to open this?