The secret is in the Truth that the only GOD
there is , is Conciousness , and since GOD is
the One Conciousness , the conciousness of a human being is Its Creator , Maintainer and Substainer . Out of the Conciousness of the individual must come all that is necessary for Its fullfilment . God meaning in this case our awareness of our environment , being the Universe that we percieve . Man has evolved but lost itself to mass concious-
ness which only means to survive the hard way
and become Asimov’s Robots . Feedback is what
I’m looking for . Pkx 2ooo
If this is connected to a Mailbag item, please let us know the link. Otherwise, my assumption is that this is not connected to a Mailbag item, and it is therefore being closed here and moved to the forum called MPSIMS.
Wouldn’t this be a comment on Cecil’s column.
I hope this works.
“My mind reels with sarcastic replies!” - Snoopy
I hope this is not an omen for another 7 unlucky years of Christian Spam.
Voted Poster Most Likely To Post Drunk
WallyM7 on Coldfire:
"Yeah, he knows a little about everything because they have a good prison library."
Okay, here’s some:
Your OP didn’t make a hell of a lot of sense.
:::Pulling up beach chair, cooler of Michelob and Giant Size bag of Cheetos:::
got a front row seat for this one…
…send lawyers, guns, and money…
Warren Zevon
Huh. We’re being haunted by the ghost of Francis E. Dec, Esq. At least as far as making sense in one’s rantings is concerned.
Perhaps Pexamon should be introduced to BjOrn so they can have totally incomprehensible conversations. I’d join Bluepony with a few Guiness’s (sp?) for that.
Anyone ever heard of Dr. Bronner’s soap? It’s this “natural” soap sold in herb shops and the like. What’s amazing is the wrappers, which read like the OP. Follow the link for a transcription of one of the wrappers - if you dare. (Scroll down a little for best results.)
Your Quadell
Bluepony - would you toss me a beer please?
I’m very, very frightened…
A somewhat intelligent OP is what I was looking for… sadly we may all be disappointed by this thread…
Pekaxmon, I remember my first beer too.
Since I can’t possibly give feedback to something I can’t translate…Move over BigGirl and hand me one of those Guinnesses.
Princess of the Time and Space Continuum since 1969 (upgraded to Goddess 01/07/00) =^…^=
Yes, I did see the plan for the bypass. It was on display in the bottom of a locked filing cabinet stuck in a disused lavatory with a sign on the door saying ‘Beware of the Leopard’ - Arthur Dent
Oh, BTW, I read somewhere that Dr. Bronner really talks that way, it’s not just some spazzed out soap wrapper thing. Could you image trying to have a conversation with him?
Maybe we should open up a forum intended for those posters whose minds are permanently disconnected from their brain, or whose brain has crossed synapses and so cannot function properly, leading to posts similar to the OP.
We can call it.
I sold my soul to Satan for a dollar. I got it in the mail.
Unlax, everyone.
It’s just another hit and run. Move along.