So, I’m starting to think about buying: I don’t foresee myself moving in the near future and rent has gotten ridiculous in Atlanta. My budget combined with my preferred areas to live in don’t necessarily allow for buying a house. I could increase my commute significantly and find a house, but I don’t want to do that. I’ve done the long commute in this town before and they are miserable for me. I also don’t particularly want a yard that I have to deal with. So I’m considering condos as an option, looking carefully at particular parts of town that are likely to have better resale value OR be good options for renting should I move at some point in the future.
Saturday my agent took me to see some, but I have questions that I’d like to hear opinions on from people not involved in my potential buying process.
So, if you’ve bought a condo - or even if you’ve considered buying one and rejected the idea* - I’d like your thoughts.
[li]Would you buy the same place again? [/li][li]What should I consider around the HOA? Are there questions I should ask about that?[/li][li]What do you like about condo living? What do you dislike?[/li][li]If you considered condos and rejected them, why? [/li][li] What do you wish you had known/asked before you bought your condo? [/li][/ul]
*I’m not opposed to answers to these questions from people who’ve bought other types of real estate, but if you’ve only ever bought houses and think condos are a blight upon the market, then let me know that so at least I can view your responses with knowing about your particular bias.