Confederations Cup Final, 6/30/2013: Brazil vs. Spain

Obviously this is an intriguing match, with possible World Cup implications.

Thoughts? Speculation?

Are there any vulnerabilities for Spain? Without Puyol, their defense just isn’t the same. But can Brazil take advantage? I hope so. I wouldn’t be sad to see Spain taken down a notch.

Spain are vulnerable in that they don’t really have a plan B - a well-motivated team with a bit of bite that sets out to disrupt their game plan can beat them.

I still expect Spain to win this one though, I think defeating Spain the Confed Cup final, albeit in their own backyard, might be a step too far for where Brazil is currently.

With the score 3-0 in Brazil’s favor at 48 minutes, Spain is vulnerable, and Brazil is punishing them.

And that’s it. Brazil 3-0 Spain. Brazil was terrific, Spain had no answer.