Congratulations, John McCain?

Ohio polls now indicate that McCain has pulled ahead of Obama.

Guess not fucking up is working well for him.

He’s saving up for the debate.

Ohio is still Pretty Close:

But Colorado, Michigan, Minnesota and Wisconsin are not working for McCain:

That’s funny, seems to me that today’s poll shows them tied.

So it doesn’t seem to be working too well, I’d say…

By doing what? Napping?

Does he ever quit in the middle of a sentence?

"So there I was with Dubya, and we were sitting…

…on the porch."


Maybe replace John McCain with John McClane.

I feel sorry for McCain - after all his campaign manager is no longer getting $15,000 a month from Freddie Mac.

<Dirty Rotten Scoundrels>
“Excuse me. May I go to the bathroom?”

“Of course you may, John.”

“…Thank you.”


Yabbut…McCain’s name is John.

Nice euphemism from that article:

So now McCain’s statements are being “undercut”.

Damn dirty rotten undercutting facts.

McCain wants to delay Friday’s debate.

Ostensibly because he needs to focus on the economy. Because Lord knows our country needs him now, just like they needed him in New Orleans when the Hurricane hit land. All crises need John McCain present 24/7.


Did you really start a thread to ask if there was anything that you didn’t know about that you should be pitting McCain for? Maybe I’m old-fashionned but I really feel that starting pit threads should be saved for when on is pissed off and not to poll the board for reasons to be pissed off.

This is the kind of thing that helps righties back up their claims of board bias as it is essentially a thread calling for a McCain bashing free for all. Read and contribute to one of the other one million election threads if you’re looking for something to get your undies in a bunch about.

For the record, I’m an Obama supporter, but this thread is stupid.

Really? I think it’s going well.

Nah, it was stupid. You should have waited a day before congratulating him.