Congresswoman Jean Schmidt

Remember Congresswoman Jean Schmidt? You don’t? During a contentious debate about the war in Iraq in November, 2005, she said this on the House floor:


Well, sometimes you just have to sit back and wait for her comeuppance. It came yesterday:

Are you saying that, because she made a speech that (I assume) you don’t agree with, it’s funny that she slipped in vomit in a highway restroom? :confused:

Because if that’s what you’re saying, you’re wrong. Regardless of who they are or what their political views are, if they’re rich and/or powerful, it’s funny when they slip and fall in vomit in a highway restroom.

I do, and she’s a certified nutjob. But she’s in her mid to late 50s, and a fall like that could do massive damage. I think she apologized for those remarks, and her apology was accepted. […hang on…] She also requested that her own words be withdrawn, and they were stricken from the record.

Celebration of this accident as comeuppance for perceived wrong politics seems indistinguishable to me from celebration of hurricanes as comeuppance for perceived wrong morality.

The two celebrations would only seem indistinguishable to me if it were a vomit hurricane.

A small nitpick: it wasn’t a “highway restroom”: Cannon is one of the House office buildings next to the Capitol.

But I agree that, whatever obnoxious political statements she has made, this incident is pretty irrelevant.

While I agree in this case, I gotta admit, had this happened, to say, Cheney, I’d still be on the floor laughing.

yea, I know, I’m sick that way.

Who gives a fuck if she apologized? These politicians know that they’re on the public stage when they make these remarks, and when they make remarks like that, it’s done with purpose and intent. The fact that they later find it expedient to apologize changes nothing, IMO.

And don’t get me started on how fucking wrong it is that a public statement made by a politician in Congress can be struck from the record. Once you’ve said it, it should stay there forever. And that applies to politicians of all stripes.

Seconded! :slight_smile:

Only if she was flipped on her back and hit in the weak spot.

Oh I’m so clever.

In this age of YouTube and video phones, who the fuck dropped the ball?

She was quoting a USMC Colonel who said “cowards cut and run, Marines never do.” Rep Murtha is not a coward and he’s definitely a Marine. So I don’ get the hubbub over her comments.

Someone slipping in puke and getting it on herself is pretty damn funny, though.

I can’t believe she cut and ran from the vomit puddle after one fall. She should have kept walking through it and falling, all the while declaring that the puddle was in its last throes.

So, it apparently was not her own vomit? How does one slip in vomit, really? It’s generally pretty hard to miss. I mean, was she booking through the bathroom or what?

Were they able to identify the culprit? As we all know, you can’t really dust for vomit.

She was obviously calling him a coward, and she made it sound like that Marine was talking about Murtha - which he says he wasn’t.

Falling in vomit is funny. It’s funnier when it’s somebody who deserves it. So I say, “have a nice trip, Congresswoman; see you in the fall!”

A good alternate scenario would be a staffer hurling, and Cheney accidentally getting in the line of fire.

So to speak.


Not funny.

Funny! :smiley:

I wonder if she’s eligible for a Purple Heart?

CMC fnord!