Conservatism, evolution, global warming, and the truth.

As I understand it, the conservative position on global climate change is that no warming is being caused by human emissions. But while many conservatives maintain that warming trends are being caused by long-term natural cycles, many more conservatives gleefully unearth evidence that suggests global warming isn’t happening at all. Like the fact that it’s been really cold this winter.

So I would like some clarification as to what, specifically, is the overall conservative position as to the facts of the matter.

Similarly, I gather that the conservative position on the origin of life is that it was intelligently designed. But while the belief that the earth was created suddenly about 6,000 years ago is very popular among conservatives, I don’t think they’re all on board with that.

So is the Biblical Young Earth model the settled, conservative view on the issue and those who believe in other models are deviating form the party line? Or is there any kind of consensus on a rough sequence of events that encompasses a broader but still conservative outlook?

There isn’t a “conservative party” in the sense that you are using it, so I don’t know who it is you think makes the decision about what is or is not the “official conservative view”.

As for global warming, you’ve got the whole range opinions from:

  • It isn’t happening.
  • It’s happening, but not caused by man.
  • It’s happening, caused by man, but too expensive to reverse.
  • It’s happening, caused by man, but the free market is the best way to take care of it.

Plus probably a bunch more that I can’t even think of.

Conservatives are skeptical about global warming because it’s coming from the same crowd that 40 years ago claimed we were running out of trees; 30 years ago claimed we were running out of oil; 25 years ago claimed we were headed for an ice age; and 20 years ago claimed that all the ozone was being depleted. The predicted outcome of each of these was that we were all going to die - just like now with global warming.

Let’s face it - there is a significant segment of the population that is prone to Chicken-Littleism and that segment tends to skew left. Plus such fears are a great impetus for imposing more government regulation upon private enterprise.

And I’d be surprised if more than a very small minority of the conservative population actually believes the earth is only 6,000 years old.

Deforestation is still a major problem. This has not changed.

Oil is a finite resource, and while we may get better at extracting oil, we will eventually run out.

Several thousand peer reviewed journal articles on AGW versus maybe one or two and a Newsweek article on the ice age. Any attempt to avtually draw an equivalence is deliberately deceptive.

You forgot the order of events here. First, the ozone layer was being depleted. Then corrective action was taken. Then, the ozone layer recovered.

Nobody with any sense is predicting that we are all going to die.

This new learning amazes me, Sir Bedemir. Explain again how sheeps’ bladders may be employed to prevent earthquakes.

I’ll go out on a limb and predict that we are all indeed going to die.

How old is this crowd now?
No one really gets much of a voice in the science community until they hit 30 and have a nice professorial position somewhere. if it’s the same crowd as 40 years ago, they’d all be 70+ years old now. Is that true? Are most climate scientists really old codgers?
Do they have their foot so firmly on the neck of the younger generation of scientists that none of them get to speak on the issues?
Or does the ‘crowd’ which you view with suspicion really consist of anyone who studies science?
If you want to reject science, so be it. Just tell the rest of us that’s your intention.

Was it the vast majority of the scientific community that thought we were going to run out of trees?

As for 30 years ago, do you think we aren’t running out of oil?

As for 25 years ago, do you understand that that was never the scientific consensus? Do you? Why don’t you know that, I’m sure you’ve been educated that you are simply wrong before? Why is it that you refuse to learn and repeat the same incorrect statements over and over again? Is it that you’d rather seem right than be right?

As for 20 years ago, do you understand that we actually fixed the problem by reducing the amount of CFCs used, right?

More than half of Americans think that it’s probably or definitely true that God created man in his present form no more than 10k years ago.

And way more conservatives believe it than liberals.

Conservatism, at least in the early 21st century, is about fantasy and ignorance.

Nuh-uh. No political ideology gets to claim to own the full breadth of science, from Pasteur to Crick and Watson to Hawking. What you describe is advocacy, with a few Google Scholar-scouring think tanks fetching the papers to give you the answer you want.

I’ve lived through nine out of the last zero environmental apocalypses. That makes me tend to view environmental doomsaying with a very skeptical eye.

Not to say that I reject them out of hand, but I tend to take an “extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence” view. It doesn’t help when those who are supposed to be providing that evidence play fast and loose with the data…

Nope, it’s the typical Post-doc system science has run under for decades.

You’re an imbecile. There is absolutely no reason to believe that the dead wont rise to feed of the flesh of the living.

Cite for that? It is clear that the ones playing loose and fast with the data are deniers like Fox news and conservative leaders like Inhofe.

I am not responding directly to this post, I just wanted to start with those words re the op’s question.

I posted this article in another thread, but it is interesting enough to offer again for this question. From The Rise of Republican Nihilism:

From women’s suffrage and other visions of right-wing apocalypse on the history of Conservative thought:

There’s more where that came from.

So much ignorance in one post, expanding on what WarmNPrickly said regarding that issue:

True, although there is a Republican Party, which can give us a fairly clear position on where Republicans stand. Two years ago they nominated John McCain for president and agreed on a platform, so we can make reasonable statements about what the conservative movement in America endorses overall. The platform mentions carbon dioxide and links it to climate change, though without saying with absolute certainty that the former causes the later. Similarly, the section devoted to education makes no mention of creationism or anything of the kind. In short there really isn’t any justification for saying that “the conservative position” includes “no warming caused by human activity” or any endorsement of creationism.

Glad to know that, but that is not what I see coming from the most enthusiastic conservative groups out there, Knowing how Rush and people like Palin are guiding those groups right now, I would be surprised to see that sensible platform in 2012, Even in 2004 John McCain was an odd Republican regarding the environment.

Cite that it’s a major problem with reference to climate?

Unless someone invents a process for economically creating oil.

Are the ozone holes not still seasonally present?

As posted earlier:

You understand wrong. Although personally I find it important to always ask questions and be sceptical about everything to do with science, faith and politics. For this some people will call me a Global Warming Skeptic, which I understand they believe is very bad. I’ve been called worse than a sceptic though.

You gather wrong.