I’m wondering what traits are considered to be virtues in conservative and liberal thought. Or libertarian, progressive, or whatever thought. Not so interested in arguments about hypocrisy. Not so interested in their “real” motives. I want self-described virtues, not traits plastered on them by political enemies. If you ask conservatives what virtues they admire and would strive to achieve themselves, how would they answer? How would libertarians answer? How would liberals answer?
Easiest way to answer, maybe, is to say what you are personally and what traits you personally value. This ain’t intended to be a debate. The point isn’t whether we think they live up to their virtues, or if their virtues are transparently hollow. Doesn’t matter for this one. I only want to know what those virtues are, according to the people themselves.
We can expand this into contemporary moral exemplars. If you want to give examples of people who most lived up to the virtues in question, by which I mean relatively modern people, please share that, too. Explain, if you’d like, how the people in question embodied specific virtues. (No need for anybody to quibble about the choices. Honest opinions, not a debate.)