Conservative Republicans want to replace FDR with Reagan on dime

If Reagan goes on the dime, how about sending FDR to the $20 bill and bumping off that racist asshole Andrew Jackson.

What you forget is that for some people, apparently Representative Souder among them, President Reagan’s administration represents a combination of simplistic social theory, arrogant foreign policy, corporate welfare, phony tax cuts and cheap lip service that is nearly irresistible and gives rise to a sexual frenzy to raise a monument to the guy. It’s the same sort of mass hysteria on the part of the unthinking and publicity hacks that lead us to believe that some substantial piece of the population can’t live without a daily dose of news on the current state Brittany Spears’ hymen or Jennifer Lopez’s love life.

If, after all, we can have people vehemently defending an idol to the Ten Commandments surely we can allow the boob-wah-zee an idol to simple minded and un-finessed political leadership. If we replace what was without a doubt the most important 20th Century President with poor old Ron, there is no reason we can’t replace the most important 19th Century President with our current sleep walker. I look forward to seeing George W.’s smirking mug on the nickel.

Who said the American people hated Reagan? They didn’t–he was a hugely popular president and one of the most telegenic politicians we’ve ever had. But being popular and having a friendly, avuncular persona does not make a good president. I don’t know if you were an adult in the Reagan era, but I was. I remember the damage he did. I remember the corruption, the stifling of the EPA, the silence on AIDS.

And seeing Reagan for the sham he was does not make me a lefty, any more than seeing Clinton’s hypocrisy makes me a righty. Have you ever heard about this phenomenon called “thinking for oneself”?

No, no! Duke has stumbled onto the right answer: the Elvis Dime™. Let’s all write our representatives. Start the petition drive now!

Gee, who did the Liberal Republicans want to see put on the dime?

Teddy Roosevelt? :slight_smile:

Actually, I’ve seen the Reagan proposal on and off in coin collector magazines for a couple of years now. One proposed MLK for the nickel as well. I agree that a representation of Liberty would be much better (and since the French aren’t using some of their great designs anymore, maybe we can use them…). Politically, though, it’ll be impossible to get rid of Washington, Jefferson, and Lincoln. It was hard enough just to get Monticello off of the back of the nickel for a few years…

Horace Greeley.

I’m serious.

Well, the 'Pubbies have already honored him by naming the Ronald Reagan Federal Building and United States Courthouse and the USS Ronald Reagan after him, and also renamed DC National to Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport. Isn’t that enough hagiography for now? I’m surprised they haven’t submittted his name to the Vatican for canonization.

Tell that to Senator Ted Stevens, ® Alaska. It must be a Republican thing.

By that token, though, what did JFK ever do except die after getting shot? At least Reagan managed to live.

No, I’m honest. What the hell did JFK ever do? Nearly everything we associate with JFK- civil rights, the space program, etc.- was pushed through by LBJ after Kennedy’s death. Kennedy did jack-shit as President, but he’s hagiographied into thousands of high schools, a national airport, and the 50-cent piece.

If you’re going to be snotty about “Pubbies” and hallowing Reagan, then give me five good reasons why anything in this country should be named after JFK.

I don’t have them. I find the idolization by a lot of Democrats of JFK as puzzling as the idolization by a lot of Republicans of Reagan.

On the bright side, paperbackwriter, they are right now in the process of crushing the last of the rubble that was the Ronald Reagan Institute of Emergency Medicine building.

I’m a little surprised that they didn’t make the very doctors who saved his life change their names to Ronald Reagan.

Damn your literal interpretation, and touche’.
Your homework assignment: Please tell me who these parties would like to see on the dime. I am especially interested in the ‘Thermodynamics Law Party’ and, of course, the ‘Imperial Authoritarian Party’. :wink:

They should wait until at least 50 years after an administration to put someone on a coin, IMO. Then history can judge whether or not they deserve it.

Well, I don’t see JFK’s “canonization” as anything more than post-assassination grief, ESPECIALLY considering his brother’s murder so soon after. I certainly don’t think it’s partisan; it’d be just the same if he’d been a Republican.

Same reason Hendrix, Morrison, Joplin, Cobain, Mercury and a cast of thousands still get high Q-Ratings.

The only REAL way to win is to cash in while you’re on top.

Then FDR’s been given fifty undeserved years on the dime.

Nothing against Reagan, but FDR was the greatest president of the 20th century. Just as the greatest of the 19th and 18th do, he should have his spot on our currency. Let Ron find his own coin.

Irony is sweet. As our currency plunges further down the toilet, we want to label our currency with a Republican that made it work for a liberal. Put Clinton on the darned thing, and be over with it!