Part of the reason medical insurance is so expensive is because when someone who can pay goes to the hospital, the bill includes the actual cost of the care provided, the profit margin, and a markup to make up lost revenue from other people who received medical care but couldn’t pay. Every time someone declares bankruptcy over 50,000 dollars of medical bills, he’s contributing to the rising cost of medical care for everyone else.
I think conservatives and liberals can all agree that this is a problem. People can’t pay their bills, so the cost goes up for people who can pay, so now more people can’t pay their bills, so the cost goes up even more. We’re seeing it happen now, with medical care costs that are skyrocketing an order of magnitude faster than the general inflation rate, and fewer people covered by medical insurance than even 10 years ago.
So, if the answer isn’t to mandate everyone buy health insurance, or just cover everyone through a government health care program…what exactly is the answer? How do we prevent so many people from receiving health care they can’t pay for? Should hospitals be allowed to deny life saving treatment to people who can’t pay? After all, why ought they be forced to provide a free service, just because the person needing that service is poor? Restaurants aren’t required to feed people who can’t afford a meal, even if they’re starving. Isn’t health care kind of the same thing?
Anyway, it may sound like I’m not asking this question in good faith, but I am. I’m not trying to play “gotcha” or trap anyone, I just honestly want to know the conservative side here. The health care debate is so bogged down with arguments about the merits and evils of Obamacare or other “liberal” solutions, that there hasn’t been much time to discuss what the conservatives would do if they had the power to address this issue.
All I want is for more people to have more access to more affordable health care. I don’t really care if the Democrats fix it or the Republicans do, and the only arguments I won’t even bother to listen to are ones which deny that there is in fact a problem in the first place. I support Obamacare, but would happily abandon that support in favor of another reasonable solution. Convince me!