Contradictions in TV ads

Yeah, I don’t get it. “Cozy” has never meant “small” or “cramped” to me. It just means something like inviting/welcoming/“warm.” Like, to me, you could have a spacious parlor with a rug, fireplace, dim lighting, a chenille couch, and that would be the very definition of “cozy” to me.

Any and every TV and radio ad (one auto service center in the area is notoriously bad for this) that makes the claim, “We don’t have any competition, because we are the competition”.

A statement which makes me wonder, each and every time I hear it, WTF?

There’s a commercial for Jack Daniels that shows the people of Lynchburg, where it’s made. “This is how many people are proud of what we do here” (camera shows everybody), “this is how many would brag about it” (camera shows nobody). Uh, sorry guys, if you’re in the ad, you are bragging about it.

That’s because they own all the dealerships in town. :slight_smile: I worked at Radio Shack for spending money many moons ago and the mall it was in also had another electronics store that sold some of the same products. Both were owned by the same guy so I’d get people saying “Fine, I’ll go over to the other place and get a better price!”. No, you won’t, but enjoy the walk…