Controversial encounters between law-enforcement and civilians - the omnibus thread #2

There’s a thread on this incident with bootlickers doing their thing to defend the police and the lawsuit. You can search for it.

Or just go here

Here is the body cam footage.

That cop should be in prison.

Let’s stick with Ohio for a bit, I suppose

Cops want to arrest a couple teens for “jaywalking” even though there is no law against walking across a street in a residential area.

Get in a heated argument with the mother who refuses to send the teens out “to the wolves” as she puts it, and charge her with “Obstructing official business.”

They later claim, “the officer and the ATF agent were convinced that the three teens were carrying guns by the way they carried themselves as they walked in the street.”

Walking while black.

If the prosecutor has even an ounce of ethics, this charge should get dismissed the first time its looked at. The obstructing official business charge has some pretty stringent requirements.

Columbus Obstruction of Official Business Attorney | Ohio Lawyer.


Joplin police described the standoff as a hostage situation in its April statement, but the lawsuit alleges that Eli Crawford had been demanding during the standoff that a family member be allowed to get Clesslynn [the 2 year old victim] out of the trailer to keep her safe.

[This is the non-paywalled MSN repost.]

Not a cop, but she works for the police union:

Police union executive charged with running global fentanyl operation from her home.

I guess the police just wanted someone to be at fault for this tragedy. Not sure what the cop was thinking when he ran into traffic.

What I hear around here a lot (I live in a town with a lot of police families) is “The only good union is a police union”

Three years ago the Boston Police Union president plead guilty to child rape. He had been investigated by the police while he was a patrolman and while the concluded that there was enough evidence to support the allegations, but not enough (presumably) to convict. But the union backed him 100% he was given access to more kids to abuse and later became the union president. I mean no one appreciates the union more than someone they helped pursue his perverted criminal desires.

Meanwhile the bad union at my company will not threaten to sue the company if you show up drunk or high and try to operate heavy machinery and get fired. You know, because the union represents the good apples as well as the bad. And good apples don’t want to be around reckless idiots.

Guaranteed the cops would not have gone after her had he not been a cop.

This is just a horrific story. A man was viciously beaten by police, then spent 3 years in jail essentially for hurting their hands when they punched him. His incompetent trial attorney nearly destroyed his appeal. Despite the incompetence the appeal was successful because the prosecutor was so blatantly racist that he was censured for it, and now 6 years later a new prosecutor is re-trying him, for a crime he already served his time for.

Jail Guards sentenced to probation for using ‘Baby Shark’ as punishment.

I’m of mixed minds. This may also belong in the stupid gun news of the day thread, as it’s pretty stupid to answer the door with a gun.

Cops fucked up six ways from Sunday, but he still answered the door with a gun.

Pound on my door at 11:30pm and I’ll be answering the door with a gun as well.

Of course, I’ll look out the window to see if it is actual Sheriff’s deputies first.

If I’m pounding on your door at 11:30pm, then either there’s a good reason, or I mean you harm. If there’s a good reason (your family member was in an accident and you aren’t answering your phone), then the gun will only serve to increase the chances of another accident.

If I mean you harm, then if you answer with a gun, then I will shoot you, just like the cops shot this guy.

If you are simply too afraid to answer your door, then just don’t answer it. Get an intercom or ring or something. They are actually cheaper than most guns, and are far less likely to result in the kind of misunderstanding that lands you in the morgue.

Like I said, cops fucked up, and all their actions up until the guy came out armed were on them. After that, he pretty much committed suicide by cop.

He’s lucky he didn’t get his wife killed, too.

Here is the body cam footage. They shoot him at 3:57. They shoot at his wife at 4:52.

Of course, this means they batter down your door and kill you.

that seems oddly fortuitous