Converting DVD (.VOB files) to Flash?

Hi, I’m Rhythmdvl and I’m in over my head.

(Hi, Rhythmdvl!)
A client gave us a DVD to put on their Web site. Right now all the movies they’ve given us were MPGs or the like, and I used Adobe Media Encoder to FLV and easily embed.

But I have no idea what to do with all these .VOB files. They play fine on Media Player and the stock DVD player that came with the burner, but I don’t know what does what to what conversion-wise. There’s no copy protection involved, so that’s an easy hurdle to get around. Is this something that’s locatable somewhere within the CS4 suite? Windows 7? Sony Vegas (we have the trial version of that at the moment)?

If not converting to Flash, is there a format that’s easy to convert to and embed on a Web page?



Any Video Converter can convert .vob to .flv

Brilliantly simple program–THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!