Convince me that you should be Earth's new Green Lantern

Technically, Black Ringbearers are actually the rings, running a simulation of the person who had
it, except evil.

So it’s more like they’re wearing a corpse, rather than a zombie wearing the ring.

I’m thinking the Guardians won’t be impressed.

I once had an argument with a solipsist where I proved I existed

but I’m not gonna do it now cause I don’t wanna

I destroyed the periodic table because the only element I know is the element of surprise. That’s how I’m able to win a game of Connect 4 in three moves and why I won the 1993 World Series of Poker holding only a Joker, a get out of jail free monopoly card, a 2 of clubs, 7 of spades and a green #4 card from the game UNO. I’m the only one on the planet that can believe it’s not butter so mind control is useless against me. I’m a hard worker, it only took me a day to build Rome. But I don’t let power get to my head. For example, you’ll never see me playing God, because playing is for kids. I deserve the ring.

I’ll tell you why. It’s the same thing I tell everybody.

If at first you don’t succeed, then you’re not me.

Anti-guestism, eh? I would destroy this and other forms of discrimination. Especially if they got in my way / annoyed me / were noticed by me.

Plus, I would not use the ring to make dumbass stuff, like a giant forklift, or a racecar. So, ring me up.