Cool little political quiz. Who do you side with?

87% Green Party, 84% Democrats, 7% Republicans.
I think it is rigged, no way do I support Republicans That Much!

Obama 81%
Paul 80% (how are both of those possible ???)
Johnson 79%
Romney 56%
CA voters 64%
Americans 75%

Yup, tied at 87%.

12% for Jackass Romney, ha!

I’m 84% Democratic and 97% Texan.

…wait, what??

My sub-scores are what is interesting:

I side the most with Mitt Romney on 97% of domestic policy issues.

I side the most with Barack Obama on 96% of social issues.

I side the most with Gary Johnson on 100% of healthcare issues.

Virgil Goode was a Blue Dog Democrat, apparently, pretty big on smoking and guns and not so much on abortion.

Who the hell is Jill Stein?

And yet Ron Paul would never get my vote.

89% Ron Paul
on immigration, domestic policy, healthcare, economic, science, and foreign policy issues. more info

84% Jimmy McMillan
on social, domestic policy, immigration, economic, and foreign policy issues. more info

84% Gary Johnson
on domestic policy, healthcare, science, economic, and foreign policy issues. more info

76% Barack Obama
on social, science, and foreign policy issues. more info

70% Jill Stein
on social, foreign policy, and environmental issues. more info

63% Mitt Romney
on immigration, economic, domestic policy, and healthcare issues. more info

58% Virgil Goode
on economic, domestic policy, and immigration issues. more info

51% Stewart Alexander
on social and foreign policy issues. more info

91% Minnesota Voters
on social, domestic policy, foreign policy, economic, and immigration issues. More info

92% American Voters
on social, domestic policy, foreign policy, economic, and immigration issues. More info*

It says I’m 95% in agreement with Barack Obama and 85% in agreement with Texas voters. I’m pretty sure it’s impossible to be both of those at the same time.

Huh. My top three, in order from high to low, are Jill Stein, Stewart Alexander, and Barack Obama.

Who’s Stewart Alexander? (goes off to google)

95% Jill Stein/Green. I did not see that coming. I agreed more with Mitt Romney (and much more with Paul) than with Goode.

I side the most with Obama (74%) and the Democrats (74%)

Jill Stein 95%
Barack Obama 89%
Stewart Alexander 87%
Jimmy McMillan 65%
Gary Johnson 33%
Ron Paul 28%
Virgil Goode 3%
Mitt Romney 1%
Ohio voters 88%
American voters 88%

Question: how can Jimmy McMillan be running for president? The rent couldn’t possibly be too damn high throughout the entire country!

96%-Mitt Romney
on immigration, healthcare, economic, social, domestic policy, foreign policy, and environmental issues.

93%-Ron Paul
on immigration, economic, healthcare, science, domestic policy, and environmental issues.

77%-Gary Johnson
on economic, healthcare, science, and domestic policy issues.

44%-Barack Obama :eek:
on science and environmental issues.

46%-California Voters
no major issues.

66%-American Voters
on economic, social, and environmental issues.
Show all candidates

Barack Obama 97%
Jill Stein 80%
Stewart Alexander 64% (who?)
Mitt Romney 46%
Ron Paul 39%

Illinois Voters 83%
American Voters 80%
80% with American voters? Obama is sure to win now!

88% Obama
83% Stein
79% Alexander
37% Paul
15% Romney
69% Oregon
63% American

Very unreliable

Gary Johnson 79%
Ron Paul 74%
Jill Stein 65%
Barack Obama 65%
Mitt Romney 63%
Virgil Goode 30%
Jimmy MacMillan 30%
Stewart Alexander 23%
California Voters 56%
American Voters 58%

Why do you conclude it’s unreliable, instead of concluding that you now have something to learn about the candidates near the top of your list?

I’m proud to say I side 89% with Barack Obama.

Obama - 92%
Alexander - 86%
Stein - 86 %
McMillan - 64%
Johnson - 44%
Paul - 23%
Goode - 6%
Romney - 4%