I assume that any books created prior to the twentieth century are now in the public domain. That would explain the fact that one doesn’t have to pay royalties to put on plays based on Shakespeare’s works, Gilbert and Sullivan operettas, Huckleberry Finn and even the Wizard of Oz. (Indeed, the recent movie “League of Extrordinary Gentlemen” was entirely made up of characters from the 19th century.)
But I am a little confused as to which 20th century books/characters are now in the public domain. What about the story of Tarzan or Peter Pan? Is there a difference between a copyrighted work such as a book, and an actual character which can be trademarked like Superman, Nancy Drew and Mickey Mouse?
Is there a certain number of years a book, song or play is protected under copyright before it becomes free for all to use?
What if I wanted to download a song, but wanted to avoid infringing on copyright? Are songs recorded at the turn of the century okay? How about old recordings from the teens or 1920’s?
How long before I can stage a production of “Show Boat” (1927) or “Naughty Marietta” (1910) or “Babes in Toyland” (1903) without paying royalties?