Corny aphorisms that you’ve come to live by

Yes, and in the movie the actor mentions that he is quoting an old aphorism.

Anyway, that’s where I first heard it.

Don’t learn the tricks of the trade - learn the trade.

It’s true that cheap tools will cost you money, but sometimes you end up working for one.

If beggars were choosers, then horses could ride.

In autumn, spill beer on your socks, because chiggers can’t be boozers.

Dozens of signs in the factory ended a list of truisms with, “You can’t screw the boss if you’re not here.”

Lysdexia socks.

“It’s always darkest just before the piano falls on you.” --Oliver Faltz

Kind of lame after that last brilliant volley, but here goes anyway:

Beatings will continue until morale improves.

Bad spellers of the world, untie!

I have the pirate flag for this.

We’re having a meeting for dyslexic atheists who don’t believe in Dog.


I just added that to my amazon shopping list. Someone is getting that for a birthday present next year!

You might try a web search on “demotivational posters”.

I got my brother a calendar of those.

On the wall next to his desk at work he has this poster:

Those are hilarious!

I used to have T-shirts from the local Marine store that had that on the back, and the company’s logo on the left tit. Wore them out, and they seem to have stopped selling them years ago. (I haven’t looked in a few years.)

You’re in Texas, right? They’re out of Austin, began in1998. Keeping it weird!

Despair, Inc. - Wikipedia.

While redoing a deck –
Wife: “You’re upset, what’s wrong?”
Me: “I need a board-stretcher.”

Some irony there…

“Not my circus, not my monkeys.”

From my days as a fund raising consultant: I’d get all geared up over a looming (sometimes arbitrary, sometimes not) deadline and couldn’t get my client off dead center to provide me with what I needed for a proposal, article, report, newsletter, whatever. I always took my mission seriously, even if they didn’t. For my own sanity I came up with:

“You can’t care more than they do.”

“I see” said the blind carpenter, to his deaf wife, as he picked up his hammer and saw.

Years ago in a thread like this, someone expressed this same sentiment as:

“Hey, you’re the one fucking this chicken. I’m just here to hold the wings.”

My wife sprung her versoin of that on me a few years ago:

I’M screwing this cat! You just hold the tail!

She didn’t want my interference with whatever it was I was helping her with. (I’m pretty sure I posted a thread asking if anyone had heard that expression.)

That’s a beaut!

One of my favorite little quotes (dunno If it’s technically an aphorism) is what used to be in your sig: “I must leave this earth, if only for an hour”

Here are two that I heard from a foolish woman who sometimes said profound things:

About keeping anxiety in check: There are thoughts and there are facts, and thoughts are nearly always worse.

About tolerating and ultimately forgiving fools: People don’t do what they want; they do what they can.

And this one, said by someone years ago in the wee hours as we walked home after a night of heavy drinking: Every step is a challenge, and every challenge is a step!