Coronavirus COVID-19 (2019-nCoV) Thread - 2020 Breaking News

We have a previous thread about COVI-19 in Africa. Update there, per 91-divoc, is that rates of infection and of deaths continue to be extremely low.

And this Science article about the status of COVI-19 in India has been discussed in the Opening Schools thread otherwise but one part of the findings of that article, pulled out in this post, deserves I think to highlighted as part of broader “news”.

Why? Because one of the reasons to have possibly not been too surprised at relatively low rates in Africa an India was the shape of their population pyramids: more youth and fewer old folk will mean lower death and severe disease rates, possibly more whose disease is mild enough to never get diagnosed, and IF kids are relatively poorer transmitters, less spread. And while the numbers out of India confirm that the skew is part of the explanation, they also are broken down by age group. In each age group rates of disease are only 20 to 30% of U.S. rates. Similarly much lower mortality rates by age group for most age groups as well.

The complete answer for why relatively fewer cases and deaths in those two regions that were at big risk for many other reasons, is more than fewer high risk old folk to get sick. This does not clarify which proposed other factor is the biggest one, but at least one of them must be.