Coronavirus COVID-19 (2019-nCoV) Thread - 2022 Breaking News

New daily COVID reported case records (7-day average) reported Saturday January 15 (aa of January 14 2022)

Vermont – 2410
Maine – 1530
Delaware – 3368
Ohio – 25105
West Virginia – 4366
Tennessee – 19380
Mississippi – 12020
Minnesota – 15804
Iowa – 5825
Arkansas – 10531
North Dakota – 2306
South Dakota – 2350
Nebraska – 5068
Idaho – 2686
Arizona – 17943

Fifteen states. This list would be twice as long if I listed record highs from January 13 as well as January 14

The US as a whole has a new record high of 931252

326,786,853 total cases
5,553,734 dead
266,432,374 recovered

In the US:

66,664,283 total cases
873,149 dead
43,059,089 recovered

Yesterday’s numbers for comparison:

Arizona had a super spreader event today, maybe kinda watch our number closer in the coming couple of weeks. Slaps hands to stop from making a political jab, but all of you guys already know all about it already.

It took me a while to find it on Google. It listed a hockey game and concert before the political rally you were (most likely) talking about.



Here’s some news:

Hawaii hit a new record high of single-day new cases yesterday, with 5977 reported. That’s the first time it went over 5000, and that’s just a hair short of 6000. Today, it’s back to a “reasonable” 3878 cases. It was only early last month that daily new cases were in the low double digits.

Brace yourselves for more supply chain problems; China is reportedly locking down ports.

328,775,317 total cases
5,557,739 dead
267,453,015 recovered

In the US:

66,995,533 total cases
873,564 dead
43,090,644 recovered

Yesterday’s numbers for comparison:

We are long time preppers. We plan and buy for a year ahead. Even our pantry is starting to show holes and I just put “culture buttermilk” on a three week schedule because not having it was hard and I know I can’t depend of finding it in the store when I need it.

I knew this was going to be bad when it started. I had no idea how limited my imagination was back then.

Meanwhile I’m still a slave to the supply chain - I just noticed I’m down to six rolls of toiler paper, three rolls of paper towels and a single box of kleenex :smiley:. Time to hit Target again to continue with my semi-hand-to-mouth existence. I’m kind of amused at myself that despite the pandemic I still haven’t developed much of a “hoarding” mentality. Even perfectly reasonable supply. I hardly ever even make use of my Costco membership (just enough on the occasional big purchase to make it worthwhile). I do occasionally stock up, but as with now I tend to wind it back down rather than keep supplies topped off.

Mostly personality I guess - I’m more a grasshopper than an ant. But it also makes a bit of difference that I’m living an apt existence these days as well. I really don’t have anywhere to store sixty rolls of TP.

the Johns Hopkins site finally published today’s data. Here are the new Record Daily COVID Cases reported (7-day average) for January 15 and 16 2022:

Vermont – 2799
Delaware – 3431
Ohio – 34283
Alabama – 12964
North Dakota – 2186
Arkansas – 10270
Alaska – 2000

That’s only 7 states. Most of them are in the blue (meaning declining case rates), and have rebounded very dramatically in the last week or so. The US as a whole is down in daily reported cases by almost 200,000 cases – we 're at 603586 total reported new cases 97-day average) today.

There may be hope for us yet.

We’re playing “eat from the feeezer” so we’ll have room to rotate in new food. We tend to have a two months’ supply of food, medicine, household items, and medical supplies since we’re in a wildfire/earthquake/ice zone even without the pleasures of plague isolation.

Prescriptions are the weak link in our chain. We can only get our doctors to write the scripts for 6 months at a time despite being willing to pay out of pocket for the extra 6 months.

It sounds like you are doing it right, though. Prepping involves good inventory control, allowing your supplies to spoil is worse than not stocking up at all.


Oklahoma City:

331,369,666 total cases
5,563,436 dead
269,043,110 recovered

In the US:

67,631,191 total cases
874,321 dead
43,165,667 recovered

Yesterday’s numbers for comparison:

