Correct pronounciation for gyro (The sandwich)

Whatever it was, it was damned good. Besides, I’m part Cajun. If it’s capable of self-locomation and can’t fight you off, it’s fair game for dinner.

Wow. Sounds exactly like a professor I had for a Latin class. He said exactly the same thing about the word “barbarian”. He was trying to shoot me down when I said in class that it came from the Greek word for “someone who babbles senselessly.” Over the course of the semester, he spouted a few other doozies as well. Since I had already had an extremely negative experience with correcting professors in class, I just kept my mouth shut.

Wouldn’t that be the rolling “r” as in the Spanish “r”? (BTW, it’s palate.)

Damn homonyms. It was right in my head, of course :wink: .

The spanish rolling “r” or “rr”* is a bit different. Assuming that you mean the “r” that is at the beginning of a word or the “rr” in the middle of a word. (A single “r” in the middle of a word has a different pronunciation than the former). The spanish “r”/“rr” uses the alveolar trill or flap which according to the next website is just using the hard palate as what we’re really talking about here is rhotics. As far as I can tell using the terminology from the rhotics page, the way I was taught to pronounce the “r” in gyro was to go from the alveolar tap to a velar approximant.

*When I was taking Spanish in High School, we were taught that “rr” was a letter onto itself, but according to that website, it’s not. Hmph.