Correct pronounciation of the word "Arizona".

The secretary at my school, who doesn’t speak English (or Spanish, for that matter), just corrected my pronounciation of the word “Arizona”. The A is apparently supposed to pronounced like the A in car or far.

Now you know.

No, I’m not tactful enough to stop myself from snapping “don’t tell me how to pronounce Arizona” at her.

Just venting.

How does she pronounce Pockystahn?

What’s that?

It’s like the “ar” in “arid”.

That’s ridicurous.

Not as bad, but as long as we’re sharing: all* calico cats are female, not because that pattern requires two X chromosomes (as someone who knows about genetics might think), but because “the calico gene is fatal on the y chromosome”.

The person who shared this *knows * she’s right, because she works in a pet store. :dubious:

*There are some XXY male calico cats.

Ah, yes. The state of Ah-ri-zo-na. Is that anywhere near the country of Eye-rack? :rolleyes:

I believe you mean “Th’eyerack.”


Ah yes. Ah-ri-ZO-nah. It shares the Four Corners border with OO-tah and Co-lo-RAY-do, you know.

Being from OntAHrio, CanEHda, I must concur.

Am I the only one getting the song “My Sharona” stuck in his head?

Thigh-rack. Where you keep your thighs.

Isn’t that the state where Pa-hoe-nicks is?

And New May-hee-co.

And Tuck-son, too.

Wow, all these posts, and no-one’s said:

pronunciation. :stuck_out_tongue:

No the big city there is Fon-nix, after all they are hooked on it.

Mark Lindsay must not be big in Bulgaria.

Damn Kleinfelter’s kitties.

And just east of Phone-ix in Ahrizona there is a city known as Mess-a where half a million people live.