Could I Use The Moon as a Billboard?

In one of his anthologies, Asimov reveals that the title wssn’t his idea (surprising, given his love of puns.) He had called the story “It Pays,” which he acknowledged was “an utterly undistinguished title.” One of Campbell’s editors suggested “Buy Jupiter,” and he instantly agreed.

Asimov sometimes got better titles from his editors - like “Dirty Pool” instead of “The Billiard Ball” The Billiard Ball - Wikipedia

Not Earth-based, but a similar attempt: Perry Bible Fellowship by Nicholas Gurewitch for August 15, 2018 - GoComics

Unless the technology is ultra secret someone else will project their own image on the moon, covering or altering the first one, no? Rinse, repeat until the entire face of the moon becomes a brighter white.

I wonder if some big company can launch a bunch of satellites into a synchronous orbit of the moon, large enough to be seen through binoculars and positioned to draw the company’s logo as seen from Earth (or cast shadows on the moon). That would make a big talking point, annoy astronomers but not the average person.

No. There are many engineering and basic physics things wrong with that proposal.

Yeah, about like watching a 1.5 inch screen from 15 feet away.